Telling Family About Adoption Plans
June 27, 2009 by Dan
Filed under One Person's View
By Laura Broadwell
June 23, 2009
When a woman is expecting a baby, she’ll inevitably have to tell the world that she’s pregnant — sooner or later. But when a couple chooses to adopt, the decision of when — and how — to break the news is more complicated, given that adoption can be a long, drawn-out process filled with uncertainty, and a couple’s “due date” is not always set in stone. What’s more, many people seem to have an opinion or some preconceived notions about what it means to adopt, and are not afraid to voice those sentiments upon hearing a couple’s news. The following are a few strategies to keep in mind when telling the world about your pending adoption — and some reactions you might receive.
1. Decide whom you want to tell — and when. Once you’ve begun the adoption process, it can drag on for months or even years. Having the support of family, friends, and colleagues during this exciting and anxiety-provoking time can be a comfort. Some prospective parents choose to tell their closest friends and relatives about their decision early on. Others prefer to wait until the later stages of the process (for instance, once they’ve received their referral for a child or a birth mother’s due date is near), or until they’re more certain of the outcome. Of course, there are ultimately no right or wrong answers about whether or when to tell people. The choice is a personal one that will depend on your circumstances, the details of the adoption, and your relationships with those around you.
2. Get ready for questions. Once you do break the news, be prepared for an onslaught of questions. Since many people are still in the dark about the emotional and practical aspects of adoption, they may ask you things that seem impertinent or rude: “Don’t you want ‘your own’ child?” “How much are you paying for your baby?” “What if the birth mother changes her mind?” (Of course, you’ll also be grilled on “When is the baby coming?” “Have you chosen a name yet?” “Have you gotten the room ready?”)
Try not to take these questions personally. Most people are simply curious about the adoption process, and this can be a good opportunity to educate them. As with any family matter, though, don’t feel as if you have to answer questions that are too intrusive or personal, or that compromise the privacy of the birth mother or your adoptive child.
3. Be prepared to debunk myths. While some people may ask questions based on their lack of knowledge about adoption, others may think they have all the answers because of something they’ve read, seen on TV, or heard from a friend. For instance, a relative or coworker may say, “I’ve heard that all Russian (Chinese, Guatemalan, etc.) orphanages are terrible and that all the babies there are sick or developmentally delayed,” or “You’re such a saint to adopt a foster child. I’ve read that all foster kids have major problems.” Again, this is a good opportunity to set the record straight about certain issues of adoption, and to draw the line when you feel a question or comment is too nosy, rude, or personal.
4. Give adoptive grandparents a chance to vent — and to comprehend. Even the most eager grandparents-to-be may need time to get used to the idea of having a grandchild who doesn’t look like them or who, in some cases, is of a different race. They may need to grieve that the family’s bloodline is not being continued, or they may worry that an adoption might fail or turn out badly. Grandparents and family members, like anyone else, may also need to confront their own lack of knowledge and prejudices about adoption, and it will be up to you to help them.
To start, you could invite your parents and other close relatives to join you at a meeting of an adoptive parents’ group, give them a subscription to an adoption newsletter or magazine, recommend a few books on the subject, or have them speak with other adoptive grandparents by phone. Chances are, your parents and relatives will want to fully embrace your decision — and your child. But they may need some time and information before they can fully do so.
Editor’s Note: The Adoption Resource Book by Lois Gilman, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Adoption by Chris Adamec;
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All content here, including advice from doctors and other health professionals, should be considered as opinion only. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.
Source: Parents
Kids get ready for a Disaster
June 27, 2009 by Dan
Filed under Encouragement
By Fema ‘Zine
June 27, 2009
Every family should have a Disaster Supply Kit in their home. The kit will help you and your family during a disaster. In a hurricane or earthquake, for example, you might be without electricity and the water supply may be polluted. In a heavy winter storm or flood, you may not be able to leave your house for a few days. In times like this, you will need to rely on yourself. Your disaster supply kit will make it easier. Remember, your family will probably never need to use your disaster supply kit, but it’s always better to be prepared.
Above is a picture of a Disaster Supply Kit. It is best if these items are kept in a plastic tub or kept together in a cabinet so they will be easy to find. Click on the items in the box to learn more about the supplies you’ll need and why they are important!
Kids Activity Survival Kit
You may have to leave your house during a disaster and may sleep somewhere else for a while. It’s smart to put together your own Kid’s Activity Survival Kit so you will have things to do and share with other kids. These can all be stored in a backpack or duffel bag. Just make sure you can carry it easily. Some suggested items for your Activity Survival Kit:
- A few of your favorite books
- Crayons, pencils or marking pens and plenty of paper
- Scissors and glue
- Two favorite toys such as a doll or action figure
- One or two board games
- A deck of cards
- A puzzle (One with lots of pieces is good — it takes a long time to do!)
- Small people figures and play vehicles that you can use to play out what is happening during your disaster — such as ambulance, fire truck, helicopter, dump truck, police car, small boats.
- Favorite stuffed animal or puppet
- Favorite blanket or pillow
- Pictures of the family and pet
- A “keep safe” box with a few treasures that make you feel special.
Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think?
Source: Fema Kids
7 Laws of Grand Parenting
June 27, 2009 by Dan
Filed under One Person's View
by Barbara Graham
June 27, 2009
On the one hand, it was so simple. There was a new baby, Isabelle Eva, and there was nothing to do except love her. That was the one hand. The other hand, belonging to her parents, held all the cards. I soon learned that I could love my granddaughter fiercely, but I had no say – in anything. She was mine, but not mine. Although this is perfectly natural and should not have shocked me, it did. (Okay, I admit that on occasion the word bossy has been used to describe my behavior. Still.) For many parents used to being in charge, deferring to the rules and wishes of our adult children and their partners is humbling. I ended up editing a book on the subject to help me get a handle on my new role. Here are a few guidelines that – so far – have kept me out of hot water.
1. Seal your lips. Even if you’re an expert who has written 13 bestsellers on parenthood, your adult sons and daughters will assume you know nothing about childrearing. Your advice and opinions will not be welcome, unless directly solicited. (Even then, it’s iffy as to whether the new parents really want to hear your answer.) Tread lightly. As Anne Roiphe laments in Eye of My Heart, “Ah, my poor tongue is sore from being bitten.”
2. You may love thy grandchild as thine own – but never forget that he or she is not thine own. I was confused about this in the beginning. I was at the hospital when Isabelle was born and I thought we were all one big happy family. Not. I had to win over her parents. They loved me – I knew that – but did they trust me? In the early days I felt as if I were auditioning for the part of grandparent. Did I hold Isabelle properly? Didn’t I know that you never put a newborn down on her stomach? It took me a few blunders to secure their trust – which must be renewed every so often, like a driver’s license.
3. Abide by the rules of the new parents. The dos and don’ts of childrearing change with every generation. If I had listened to my mother, I would have held my son only while feeding him (every four hours) – and not one second longer, lest he turn into a “mama’s boy.” These days, with the crush of childrearing information online, most new parents are up to speed – and beyond – but we grandparents most definitely are not. Baby slings? The Mutsy Slider Stroller? Who knows what these things are, or how to operate them?
4. Accept your role. If you’re the mother of the new father, you may not have the same access to your grandchild as the maternal grandmother, at least in the beginning. In most families, new mothers are the primary caretakers of babies and they tend to lean on their mothers for support. This is not a problem – unless you think it is. Your grandchild will love you too. Anyhow, all grandparents – whether on the maternal or paternal side – are at risk of being shut out if they fail to observe any of these commandments. Try to think of yourself as a relief pitcher in a baseball game: You’re on the bench until your adult children call you up – and then you must do as they say if you want to stay in the game. (We’ve already covered this, but I think it’s key.)
5. Don’t be surprised if old issues get triggered when your child has a child. For many people, feelings of competition with their grandchild’s other grandparents provoke traumatic flashbacks to junior high school. This is especially true now, given the proliferation of divorce and stepfamilies. Not only that, some grandparents are able to lavish the kids with expensive gifts, while others live much closer to the children than their counterparts. Still, a little goodwill goes a long way. The heart is a generous muscle capable of loving many people at once, and most of us are able to get past the initial rush of jealousy to find our special place in the new order. (Yes, of course we still secretly hope that our grandchildren will love us more than those other people. We are, after all, human.)
6. Get a life. Sometimes I’ve become overly embroiled in my concern for my son and his family; at other times my desire to be an integral part of their lives has taken precedence over things I needed to do to maintain my own sense of well-being – and I’ve paid the price. Hence, my mantra: “I have my life, they have theirs.” We are close and connected, yet separate. Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries.
7. Let go of all expectations. When Isabelle Eva was born she was living around the corner from us, but when she was two months old her parents moved her overseas. Not only was I heartbroken, my expectations about my involvement in her life were turned upside down. Yet, once I was able to let go of my agenda – which took some doing – I found that I still felt deeply connected to Isabelle and vice-versa. Now my husband and I visit her as often as we can and, in between visits, we Skype and talk on the phone. There are bound to be unpredictable plot twists in every family narrative, but, unless you are raising your grandchildren, your adult children are writing their own story. (See No. 4: Relief pitcher, on the bench.) Who knew that grandparenthood would offer so many new opportunities for personal growth?
Ultimately, the good news about becoming a grandparent, and not being in charge anymore, is that nothing is your fault, either. As Roxana Robinson writes in Eye of My Heart, “It’s like being told you no longer have to eat vegetables, only dessert – and really only the icing.”
Editor’s Note: Our columnist shares the family rules that can keep you out of trouble.
Barbara Graham, a columnist, is the editor of the anthology, Eye of My Heart: 27 Writers Reveal the Hidden Pleasures and Perils of Being a Grandmother (Harper, 2009), which tells “the whole crazy, complicated truth about being a grandmother in today’s world.”
We would like to know what you think?
Source: Grand Parents
Kids Need to be Ready
June 26, 2009 by Dan
Filed under Human Interest
By C. Todd Lopez
Army Morale/Welfare and Recreation
June 26, 2009
Hurricane season is underway, and families need to be prepared.
“Now is the time to make your plan if you don’t have one, or rehearse your old plan,” said Jim Platt, deputy director of the Army Protection Division. “And to make sure you’ve got everything in your kit you need and most importantly to double-check your evacuation route so your family knows where to go — and not just from your home.”
Ensuring families are prepared for emergencies is one of the roles of the Army Protection Division, and it does so through the Ready Army program.
‘We realize preparing for an emergency is the responsibility for every Soldier, family member, Department of the Army civilian and contractor,” said Jim Platt. “So we want to make sure in the ‘Ready Army’ program we give them the tools they need to get prepared, to make a kit, and to survive any emergency.”
The Ready Army program, which began in September 2008, is designed to prepare the entire Army family at installations and communities across the nation and around the world for all potential hazards, natural and man made.
This year, the Ready Army program is sponsoring a new program, “Prepared Kids,” the aim of which is to get younger family members involved in the discussion about how to be ready for disasters.
“To make sure families are involved we are (providing) the kids with some fun activities to get them involved so that they talk to their parents,” Platt said. “It opens an avenue so they can talk to their parents and become the impetus for getting the program started.”
This year, kids aged 7-18 can participate in the Prepared Kids Competition. The idea is for Army children and teens to share their ideas for preparing for emergencies by creating individual works that highlight preparedness.
Children and teens can submit such things as a poem or song lyrics they have written, a short video, a poster, T-shirt or bookmark design, a personal story of experiencing an emergency, an essay or creative novella, a 30-second public service announcement for radio or television, a preparedness game, a drawing, sculpture or musical piece; or even computer software they have written.
“Anywhere their imagination takes them, they can use to submit to the program, with the intent of helping other kids get ready,” Platt said. “When you get the kids involved in this, it opens up a dialogue with parents and gets parents thinking about readiness.”
Being prepared for an emergency such as a hurricane, a flood, a fire or a tornado means planning as a family, Platt said. Families must have the tools ready if an emergency happens, having everyone know what the plan is, and having everyone well-versed in how to execute that plan.
More information on the “Ready Army” and the Prepared Kids competition.
Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think?
Baby Products Are Really Safe?
June 26, 2009 by Dan
Filed under Parent's Advice
By Michelle Crouch
June 26, 2009
Some devices that are supposed to protect children can actually put them in danger. Find out which nine products are harmful and how to protect your child.
Plastic Outlet Covers
The Risk: Outlet covers help prevent your child from getting electrocuted, but small plastic plug-in models can pose a deadly choking hazard. Even if the caps seem to fit snugly, they tend to loosen with use.
Safe Strategy: Get covers that screw into the wall and slide shut when outlets aren’t in use, or block unused outlets with furniture. The Home Safety Council recommends that if you use plug-in covers, you should look for ones that are too big to fit through a toilet-paper tube, or choose devices that you must twist or squeeze to remove.
Bath Seats and Rings
The Risk: They help babies sit up in the bathtub, but if you leave a baby alone in one — even for a few seconds — he can drown. The seats, which typically stick to the tub with suction cups, have been blamed for 123 drownings since 1983, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The suction cups can suddenly release, causing babies to tip over or slide between the legs of the ring and become trapped underwater.
Safe Strategy: Consider using a small plastic tub instead. Always keep babies within arm’s reach in the bath. “You should never leave a baby alone in the bath, even for a moment,” says Denise Dowd, MD, an emergency-room pediatrician at Children’s Mercy Hospital, in Kansas City, Missouri.
Wipes Warmers
The Risk: Several warmers have been recalled because they pose a potential electrocution and fire hazard, and others have scorched furniture. “There have just been too many fires and reports of problems,” says consumer advocate Alan Fields, who advises against these products in his book Baby Bargains. “It’s an unnecessary risk for something most kids can do without.”
Safe Strategy: If you use a warmer, follow the instructions carefully, especially if they recommend adding water. If it’s not brand new, check to make sure that the model hasn’t been recalled. The best solution? Just hold wipes in your hands for a few minutes to warm them up.
Crib Bumpers
The Risk: While pads keep babies from bumping their heads, they may be risky. “Once a baby is able to roll, she can press her face against a bumper and suffocate,” says Laura Reno, spokesperson for First Candle, a national SIDS nonprofit organization. Older babies and toddlers can also use the pads to climb out of their cribs.
Safe Strategy: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises choosing ones that are thin, firm, and well secured. Be sure to remove them once children can roll or, at the latest, when they can stand up in a crib. It’s best to avoid them altogether.
Seat-Belt Positioners
The Risk: Kids get annoyed when their shoulder seat belt rides up too high, but seat-belt positioners may actually interfere with proper fit, warns the AAP and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). “There is no safety standard for these add-on devices, and we discourage parents from using them,” says Sandy Sinclair, a safety specialist with the NHTSA.
Safe Strategy: If children too short for a regular seat belt, they should be using a booster seat that has a built-in belt positioner. Experts recommend that children ride in a booster seat until they are 4’9″ or at least 8 years old.
Bed Rails
The Risk: Portable bed rails have caused the deaths of 18 children since 1990, according to the CPSC. Most were children under age 2 who got trapped in a gap between the bed rail and mattress. The CPSC recently revised the rail standards. Most new bed rails won’t pull away from the mattress, creating a dangerous gap.
Safe Strategy: Wait until children are at least 2 and able to climb in and out of bed before use. Use them only on full-size twin beds with a mattress and box springs, not on toddler beds or bunk beds. (Many toddler and bunk beds come with attached rails, which are safe.) Check the rails every night to make sure they’re snug against the mattress.
Baby Rearview Mirrors
The Risk: Although it’s certainly comforting to be able to see babies when in a rear-facing car seat, some paramedics are worried that one of these mirrors, like other loose objects in a vehicle, could become a dangerous projectile in a crash. Models that attach to the rear-seat headrest with just a suction cup are particularly risky, according to Matt Levy, national director of the International Association of EMTs and Paramedics.
Safe Strategy: Look for a mirror that’s lightweight, with cushioning or rounded edges. And make sure it’s tightly attached.
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Family Communication
June 25, 2009 by Dan
Filed under Parent's Advice
By Mvparents
June 25, 2009
Sometimes getting a teenager to talk is harder than getting a cat to follow instructions. And when things aren’t going well, talking sounds more like shouting. Nothing you say seems to register.
But it’s not always that way. Just when you least expect it, your kids share something unexpected and you rediscover the joy of glancing into the world of a maturing young adult.
Facts from Search Institute
- Only 30 percent of middle and high school-aged students surveyed report having positive family communication, including being willing to seek their parents’ advice and counsel.
- Positive family communication is much more common among younger kids than older teenagers; while 47 percent of sixth graders report positive family communication, only 22 percent of high school seniors do.
The Asset Advantage
The Developmental Assets form a framework for talking about all of the “good stuff” in our kids’ lives, from the people who support and care for them to the values and priorities that guide them. Having positive conversations about the important things in life makes it easier to bring up tough topics, such as alcohol and drug use or sexual activity.
Ideas You Can Use Every Day
Stay Connected
- Talk about the Everyday Stuff Every Day – If your kids learn that they can trust you with the “little stuff,” they are more likely to come to you with the “big stuff.”
- Create Times for Talking – Expect everyone to have a family meal together. Turn off the radio while you are driving. Play a board game instead of watching television.
- Be Approachable – If kids think that they will get a lecture or be judged every time they bring up an idea or a personal experience, they will be hesitant to communicate. Try to listen without judging and to ask questions without accusing. Show that you understand what your children are feeling by sharing similar experiences.
- Take Concerns Seriously – Sometimes it is easy to dismiss children’s concerns or worries because, from an adult perspective, they are not important. However, it is important that you not take them lightly, laugh at, or tease them. If it is important to your children, empathize and listen. They will learn that they can come to you about other things-some of which you will think are really important.
- Start Now – You do not have to wait for an “important” conversation to have a good conversation. Find times to talk with your children every day about both trivial and important issues, and when you have these conversations, really listen to what they have to say.
Be Intentional
- Be Patient – Whether they are tired or upset, sometimes your children are not ready to talk. Give yourself and your children time and space, but do not make it an excuse to avoid conversation.
* Listen for More than the Words – What your children are “saying” may not come out in words. It may show through body language, tone, or other actions. Listen carefully and try to understand the feelings behind the words, not just the words themselves.
*Think Through the Tough Conversations – Sometimes you need to have difficult conversations. When the time comes, think it through in advance. What do you want to say? Which questions do you need to ask? What can you do to make it go as well as possible?
Be Creative
- Do Something Else – Many people do not like “just talking.” They have better conversations when they are shooting hoops, putting together a puzzle, hiking in the mountains, or working on a service project. Doing things together that both you and your children enjoy may be the best way to get a conversation going.
- Communicate without Talking – There are many ways to communicate that you care besides talking. If your children do not want to talk, leave a caring note, send a friendly e-mail, or just sit by their bed and give them a backrub. You do not have to say anything to communicate how much you care.
Maintain Perspective
- Give Them Time – Sometimes kids need space to work through things and figure out who they are. Give them time and space, but always let them know that you are there, you care for them, and you are ready and willing to listen.
- Be Patient – Sometimes you and your children will say things that you regret. Other times, you will miss opportunities for a great conversation. Relax-this is perfectly normal. Despite the fact that you may already have a hard time talking, remember that you can always start a new conversation, even a simple one, that can help get you back on track. Learn, forgive, and try again.
Source: MVparents
Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think?
Does Baby Look Like You?
June 25, 2009 by Dan
Filed under Human Interest
by Chris Pummer
June 25, 2009
Scientists are working to figure out why one grandchild has your eyes while another doesn’t.
Maybe you have Liz Taylor lavender eyes that still melt hearts. Or maybe you have a Cyrano nose you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. What are the odds your grandchildren will be blessed – or saddled – with your most distinguishing features?
Why one child resembles his maternal grandfather while another favors her paternal grandmother involves a staggering set of variables, says University of Michigan genetics professor David Burke.
“Think about the probability of drawing four aces in a hand of poker – and that’s just 52 cards,” Burke says. “We’re talking here about 100,000 genes that get reshuffled with every generation in a complicated process that, truth be told, we really still don’t understand.”
New genetic testing techniques can now reveal individuals’ shared lineage going back multiple generations but still can’t determine if your grandchild will have your high cheek bones. And yet there is some familial resemblance in every new grandchild.
The features you’re more likely to see carried over in your new grandchild are more likely to include hair, skin, and eye color, than the actual contours of your face, says Barry Starr, director of Stanford at The Tech, a program run by the Stanford University genetics department at the Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose, Calif.
While determining a baby’s eye color is a function of dominant and recessive genes, Starr says, skin and hair color are generally a result of blending. For example, a child whose mother is a blonde and father is a brunette stands a good chance of having sandy blonde hair – but there are no guarantees.
There are certain physical characteristics, or “single-gene traits,” that are determined by the presence of one specific gene, but they’re relatively few – think red hair, dimples, a widow’s peak, or the ability to roll one’s tongue. The red-hair gene usually carries with it the likelihood of freckles and pale skin – both of which can also surface through various gene combinations.
Not by Genes Alone
Anne Matthews, director of the graduate program in genetic counseling at Case Western University in Cleveland, likens the process of passing down facial traits to baking a cake. And genes aren’t the only ingredients. In the “oven” – a mother’s womb – a wide variety of non-genetic environmental factors can have a potentially major effect on a fetus that scientists are still trying to understand.
“Every time you bake a cake, even if you think you put in exactly the same measure of ingredients and cooked it at the exact same temperature as before, it never comes out exactly the same way,” Matthews says. “The shape of a nose alone, for instance, has to do with hundreds of genes all working in concert.”
Eyes of the Beholder
If there are so few traits that carry directly from one generation to the next, and if general appearance is determined by such a wide range of genetic and environmental factors, then why does one grandparent look at a newborn and see herself in his eyes, while another looks at the same grandchild and sees his own mouth smiling back at him? More than anything, it’s all in the eye of the beholder, says Angela Trepanier, president of the National Society of Genetic Counselors.
“I might be more inclined to look at a child’s eyes while someone else might focus on the nose and cheekbones,” she says. “Why we have those specific recognition patterns, we have no idea – but there’s probably some genetic basis to that too.”
Parents often speak of seeing a grandparent’s personality reflected in a child’s mannerisms or facial expressions, and Matthews agrees there’s something to that: “How a child smiles affects their looks and who they might more likely resemble.”
The Search Continues
Geneticists are making remarkable discoveries since the mapping of the human genome, but their work, probably correctly, remains concentrated on using the genome for medical applications, rather than to answer question like whom a child will most resemble. For example, scientists have studied the red-hair gene somewhat more closely than others because redheads are more inclined to get skin cancer due to their fair skin.
“We’re still looking for what might give you an aortic aneurism because that’s what gets funded,” Burke says, “not why you look like Uncle Bob.”
The experts say that any future discoveries about how appearance is carried through a child’s genes are likely to come as a byproduct of other research, such as DNA sampling for crime-scene investigations.
Until then, Trepanier says, predicting whom a child will resemble remains open for speculation and the best science can tell you is, “It really is the luck of the draw who you end up looking like.”
Source: Grand Parents
Editor’s Note: We want to know what you think?
America Lost a Legend Michael Jackson
June 25, 2009 by Dan
Filed under Entertainment, Features
by Fox News
June 25, 2009
Music icon Michael Jackson, whose fame spanned from his childhood with the legendary Jackson 5 to a superstar solo career that earned him the nickname ‘King of Pop,’ died Thursday afternoon at a Los Angeles hospital, a source close to the family told FOX News. He was 50.
Debra Opri, a former Jackson family attorney, confirmed the singers death after other media reported that he had fallen into a coma. He reportedly was taken by ambulance at 12:30 p.m. local time to UCLA Medical Center, where he died at 3:15 p.m.
Multiple reports said he had gone into cardiac arrest, though the official cause of death wasn’t immediately known. A news conference is expected later Thursday at the hospital, where fans have gathered to pay tribute to the singer.
Jackson’s death brought a tragic end to a long, bizarre, sometimes farcical decline from his peak in the 1980s, when he was popular music’s premier all-around performer, a uniter of black and white music who shattered the race barrier on MTV, dominated the charts and dazzled even more on stage.
PHOTOS: Click here for photos of Michael Jackson.
Jackson was born in Indiana in 1958. He rose to fame as part of the successful pop group The Jackson 5, formed with his brothers in 1967. The group went on to earn four number one hits in 1970 alone, and the 12-year-old Jackson became the undeniable breakout star of the group
In 1972, Jackson enjoyed his first solo hit with the song “Ben.” Six years later, he made his film debut in “The Wiz,” in which he renewed his friendship with producer Quincy Jones.
Collaborating with Jones, Jackson went on to become remarkably successful with his solo efforts “Off The Wall” in 1979 and “Thriller” in 1982.
From there, Jackson went on to become the undeniable “King of Pop,” winning eight Grammy awards for “Thriller” alone.
TOPIC: Click here for the latest on Michael Jackson.
During the 1980s, he became an icon with a distinct style of fashion and performing, as well, wearing one sparkling glove, bejeweled military clothing and short pants with socks.
It was around this time that Jackson began experimenting with excessive cosmetic surgery, including lightening of his skin.
In 1992, Jackson founded the “Heal the World Foundation,” a charity that brought underprivileged children to his Neverland Ranch, where Jackson would spend time with them and allow them to stay the night.
This practice raised many eyebrows, especially when Jackson was accused of molesting a 13-year-old boy who had become a regular Neverland guest. Jackson maintained his innocence. In 1994, he settled the case out of court for an undisclosed amount.
Jackson briefly was married to Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis. The union drew intense public scrutiny, there was speculation as to whether the marriage was simply an attempt to improve Jackson’s image, though he maintained that they lived genuinely as husband and wife; however, the marriage broke up after less than two years.
From there, his career never quite recovered, but he remained in the news, making headline after headline for strange and unusual behavior, including dangling his child over a balcony in Germany in 2002.
In 2004, police raided the Neverland Ranch, issuing an arrest warrant for charges of child molestation based on allegations of a boy who had appeared in Martin Bashir’s infamous documentary about Jackson. Later that year, a man filed a lawsuit against him, alleging he had been molested 20 years earlier, explaining that he had repressed the memory until 2003. However, a judge eventually dismissed the lawsuit.
In 2005, he was cleared of charges he molested the 13-year-old cancer survivor at Neverland in 2003. He had been accused of playing the boy with alcohol and groping him. The case took a fearsome toll on his career and image, and he fell into serious financial trouble.
Jackson was preparing for what was to be his greatest comeback: He was scheduled for an unprecedented 50 shows at a London arena, with the first set for July 13. He was in rehearsals in Los Angeles for the concert, an extravaganza that was to capture the classic Jackson magic: showstopping dance moves, elaborate staging and throbbing dance beats.
Hundreds of people gathered outside the hospital as word of his death spread. The emergency entrance at the UCLA Medical Center, which is near Jackson’s rented home, was roped off with police tape.
In New York’s Times Square, a low groan went up in the crowd when a screen flashed that Jackson had died, and people began relaying the news to friends by cell phone.
“No joke. King of Pop is no more. Wow,” Michael Harris, 36, of New York City, read from a text message a friend sent to his telephone. “It’s like when Kennedy was assassinated. I will always remember being in Times Square when Michael Jackson died.”’s Allison McGevna and the Associated Press contributed to this report.
Source: Fox News
Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think?
United We Serve
NASA New Images of the Moon
By Clara Moskowitz
June 23, 2009
A new NASA probe beamed down live images of the moon early Tuesday to reveal a stark surface littered with craters, as it flew toward a planned crash at the lunar south pole later this year.
The $79 million Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, or LCROSS, launched toward the moon on June 18 and began sending images today at 8:20 a.m. EDT (1220 GMT).
LCROSS and an attached empty Centaur rocket stage swooped down near the lunar south pole and continued north along the far side of the moon. The spacecraft is getting into position to crash down on the surface on Oct. 9.
“I am staring at Mendeleev (Lat 5.7N, Lon 140.9E), a large ancient impact basin with uniform floor deposits,” the spacecraft (or rather, NASA spokespeople writing as the spacecraft) posted on Twitter shortly after the flyby began.
At its closest approach, LCROSS was only about 2,000 miles (3,200 km) from the moon.
During the flyby, NASA’s science team will calibrate the spacecraft’s cameras and spectrometers. To study the concentration of minerals and elements in the lunar soil, the LCROSS visible spectrometer will make the first near-ultraviolet survey of certain spots on the far-side of the moon.
“This swingby is my first test of my Medium Gain Antenna (MGA) to support high science rate,” LCROSS “tweeted” this morning.
NASA plans to slam LCROSS down near the south pole in a permanently shadowed crater. The impact is intended to create a pair of debris plumes that will be analyzed for the presence of water ice or water vapor, hydrocarbons and hydrated materials.
LCROSS’s sister spacecraft, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), arrived at the moon a few hours earlier than LCROSS to begin a stable lunar orbit. The robotic probe is expected to spend at least one year mapping the moon for future manned missions, as well as several more years conducting science surveys.
LRO and LCROSS launched together aboard an Atlas 5 rocket last week. They comprise NASA first moon mission in more than a decade.
NASA plans to use the data and images beamed back from the two spacecraft, which together represent a $583 million mission, to aid its effort to return humans to the lunar surface by 2020.
LCROSS will not be the first spacecraft to crash into the moon this year. The Japanese space agency’s Kaguya lunar probe slammed into the lunar surface June 10, and China’s Chang’e 1 spacecraft impacted in March.
Senior Editor Tariq Malik contributed to this report from New York.
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Source: Fox News
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