Happy Father’s Day

June 15, 2014 by  
Filed under Medical, Human Interest

fathers day 1 70x70By Leigh Erin Connealy,
June 15, 2014

For many families, Father’s Day is a bit different than the lavish, emotional tributes of Mother’s Day. And that’s fine. I know my husband – father of seven! – appreciates being remembered, but likes to keep things low key. And somehow it seems appropriate to honor our fathers with a little less fanfare than Mom. Like so many fathers, my own dad traveled a great deal for work. But my five siblings and I knew that even though Daddy wasn’t home, he still loved us more than anything in the world.

If Mom was the heart of our family, Dad was the backbone. He gave us all a solid foundation to build on, teaching us the importance of courage, determination, hard work, and respecting ourselves and others. Of course, it can be a bit of challenge to find the right words to express our feelings. So today, in honor of all our fathers, I’d like to share a poem that I think captures those emotions so well. The poem is “How Lucky To Have Had So Good a Father” by Italian composer Domenico Scarlatti:

How lucky to have had so good a father!
On us his warm, unstinting sun long shone.
We were, of his hardworking life, the center,
Loved for the pure joy of love alone.
Uncanny are the requisites of pleasure,
Coming as they do within the will.
Knowing well where lay his greatest treasure,
Years on years of love he labored still.

Happy Father’s Day!

Wishing you and yours health and happiness,


Editor’s Note: We welcome your comments.  Please Login  or Register to post a comment on this article. Thank you and we appreciate your support!

Armed Forces Day

May 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Human Interest

dr lauraBy Dr. Laura
May 15, 2010

I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.
               – William Shakespeare
                  from Twelfth Night (Act III, Scene ii)


Today is Armed Forces Day.  Thank a man or woman in uniform for their service to our nation.






Source: Dr Laura



Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think. dan@goldcoastchronicle.com

Special Mother’s Prayer

May 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Human Interest

prayBy Christine
May 9, 2010

I pray you’ll be my eyes
And watch her where she goes
And help her to be wise
Help me to let go

Every mother’s prayer
Every child knows
Lead her to a place
Guide her with your grace
To a place where she’ll be safe

I pray she finds your light
And holds it in her heart
As darkness falls each night
Remind her where you are

Every mother’s prayer
Every child knows
Need to find a place
Guide her with your grace
Give her faith so she’ll be safe

Lead her to a place
Guide her with your grace
To a place where she’ll be safe


Source: Mothers Day Celebration



Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think. dan@goldcoastchronicle.com

For the Kids

May 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Human Interest

1001851786By Larry Miller
May 5, 2010

We are facing a problem in our country that is somewhat unique in that we cannot say is Obama’s fault.

It is a problem that has been percolating for years… even before George W. Bush led our country.

 Of course the minions of the left, including the courts, have stood in the way of efforts to spare us from this curse upon our land, all in the name of free speech which is sacred to them – unless, of course, you want to tell people about Jesus or show them His love.

The same people who permit us to keep minors out of “gentleman’s clubs” and encourages the movie rating system that keeps the young’uns out of R rated movies, fight tooth and nail our efforts to keep these same children from “adult” web sites.

As a computer geek who more or less lives on the internet, I was mildly aware of the traps that could lead viewers unintentionally into web sites depicting all sorts of things the younger generation should not see.

To be perfectly honest, it isn’t really the best for the older folks either. However we still recognize free speech even if we don’t agree with it… a lesson the left could take to heart.

This vague awareness was brought into focus this past week when I attended a conference organized by The Family Foundation, the Virginia affiliate of Focus on the Family.

The main speaker was Donna Rice Hughes of Enough is Enough.

Since 1994 she has dedicated herself to internet safety. She has seen things and heard stories that will curl your toes.

Her Internet Safety 101 program covers the gamut of internet dangers, but, being the grandfather of seven fine young men, the one that concerned me most was her study of predators and the way they use current technology to locate and seduce their victims.

In the past, the child molester was thought to be the odd looking guy in a trench coat hanging around the neighborhood playground. Such is no longer the case.

When Alfred Hitchcock brought us his film, Psycho, he scared the daylights out of us because the vicious killer was not ugly, deformed or obviously evil.

He looked like the guy sitting next to you in the theater… in fact; the guy sitting next to you could, just as easily, be just as depraved a murderer. You couldn’t tell by looking at him.

Well the same is true with a man or woman who preys on our young treasures. They could be doctors, lawyers, social workers or even school teachers.

Today’s technology not only provides perverts with an anonymous environment to seek out their prey, but it even provides them with a community of others holding the same deviant idea of fun and games, thus reaffirming the normalcy of their focus in life, and the ability to refine their skills to be even more effective at leading our children astray.

To make matters worse, although illegal, the ready availability of kiddie’s porn online does not satiate their desires, but keeps them going and spiraling downward looking for more and more stimulation – driving many to act on their impulses than if they were isolated in their own little worlds.

So many parents believe their children are too smart or too well behaved… or just too lucky to get involved in such sordid activity.

Unfortunately, statistics show that one in seven of our children will be solicited by one of these sneaky snakes.

These people are not just older, graying lechers, almost half are under 18… so it’s like I said earlier, and you can’t tell who is after your children.

These people are as smart as they are devious. They are not just a danger to their prey, but to the family as well. By skillful manipulation, they drive a wedge between the child and parents.

They meet needs of socially awkward teenagers, fulfilling dreams for romance and excitement. They promise the world, but deliver heart break and, at worst, death.

What you can do investigate the dangers to your children and grandchildren. The program is available from enough is enough?

While you are at it, you might want to check out who is in your neighborhood.

Unless you are living in an unusually pure area, this information will scare the living daylights out of you. You can find out all about it at FamilyWatchdog.us. Do it for the children.



Source: Political Christian



Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think. san@youngchronicle.com

Communion on the Moon

April 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Human Interest

moonBy Dan Samaria
Apr. 19, 2010

I love when I get e-mails from my readers. I got this one today, checked it out and it is true.

How many of us knew about this?

It is a shame this type of news doesn’t travel as fast.

This was written on July 20, 1969 by Eric Metaxas. We hope you enjoy it and will pass it on to your friends.

We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com


Forty years ago two human beings changed history by walking on the surface of the moon. But what happened before Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong exited the Lunar Module is perhaps even more amazing, if only because so few people know about it.

“I’m talking about the fact that Buzz Aldrin took communion on the surface of the moon. Some months after his return, he wrote about it in Guideposts magazine.
And a few years ago I had the privilege of meeting him myself. I asked him about it and he confirmed the story to me, and I wrote about in my book Everything You Always Wanted to Know about God (But Were Afraid to Ask).
The background to the story is that Aldrin was an elder at his Presbyterian Church in Texas during this period in his life, and knowing that he would soon be doing something unprecedented in human history, he felt he should mark the occasion somehow, and he asked his minister to help him.

And so the minister consecrated a communion wafer and a small vial of communion wine. And Buzz Aldrin took them with him out of the Earth’s orbit and on to the surface of the moon.
He and Armstrong had only been on the lunar surface for a few minutes when Aldrin made the following public statement:

“This is the LM pilot. I’d like to take this opportunity to ask every person listening in, whoever and wherever they may be, to pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his or her own way.”

He then ended radio communication and there, on the silent surface of the moon, 250,000 miles from home, he read a verse from the Gospel of John, and he took communion. Here is his own account of what happened:
“In the radio blackout, I opened the little plastic packages which contained the bread and the wine.

I poured the wine into the chalice our church had given me. In the one-sixth gravity of the moon, the wine slowly curled and gracefully came up the side of the cup.

Then I read the Scripture, ‘I am the vine, you are the branches. Whosoever abides in me will bring forth much fruit… Apart from me you can do nothing. 

I had intended to read my communion passage back to earth, but at the last minute [they] had requested that I not do this.  

NASA was already embroiled in a legal battle with Madelyn Murray O’Hare, the celebrated opponent of religion, over the Apollo 8 crew reading from Genesis while orbiting the moon at Christmas. I agreed reluctantly.
I ate the tiny Host and swallowed the wine. I gave thanks for the intelligence and spirit that had brought two young pilots to the Sea of Tranquility.

It was interesting for me to think: the very first liquid ever poured on the moon, and the very first food eaten there, were the communion elements.
And of course, it’s interesting to think that some of the first words spoken on the moon were the words of Jesus Christ, who made the Earth and the moon – and who, in the immortal words of Dante, is Himself the “Love that moves the Sun and other stars.”

Florida Tea Party

April 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Human Interest

fla teapartyBy Tim McClellan 
Apr. 14, 2010

Be sure to join in to show our Government that we are not satisfied with the lack of fiscal responsibility, the stunting of growth of the job and small business markets and this week promises to be very exciting and busy.

Unfortunately, we have been under attack – which means we are having an effect!

Last night’s election was not a referendum on Obama care or the President. It was just one battle in many that we will fight.

Some we will win, some we will lose. However, history will not judge us by our loses, but how long we will fight to win.

Feeling down – watch our special tax day tea party video “When You Get Hit” – you might recognize some famous people.

Do you have friends in other cities/states?

Tell them to go to TeaPartyPartriots.org where there is a national list of over 750 tea parties and 1800 different tea party groups!

Exciting News, Hannah Giles, the college student who helped take down ACORN will be a speaker at West Palm Beach Tax Day Tea Party.

Please consider making a donation by clicking here for her legal fund. Her expenses are already over $600,000! Let’s help her keep up the fight.


Here are three things we need to warn you about:

1. We have received copies of several false rumors and emails.

Please disregard these people and emails. Anyone that attacks South Florida Tea Party is obviously working for the other side.

It was a little over a month ago Clinton bragged about going after the tea parties.


2. Our enemies plan to “infiltrate” and try to get tea party members information at Tea Parties

An example is from www.CrashtheTeaParty.org – “We’re going to attend their rally, but plan to have a bunch of truly ludicrous signs.

Things that say “Obama drinks Christian Baby Blood” or “Jesus wrote the constitution”.

The more misspelled words the better…You could also dress in overalls with no shirt, or a stained “wife beater” t-shirt, But you get the general idea.”


3. Do not give out any personal information (email, name, phone, address) unless they are connected to South Florida Tea Party.

This is very serious. Please note they may say they are from Fort Lauderdale Tea Party, Citizens in Action, Glen Beck, 912, Hallandale Tea Party, DC Works, simply say no thank you to their requests.

All legitimate organizations will hand you information that allows you to visit their website and contact them.

At each tea party, a tea party leader from South Florida Tea Party will instruct you how to get involved in the movement.


Important Note on Signs:

Please remember to bring signs regarding the tea party movement.

We started the tea party because of the bailouts, out of control spending and governments involvement in our lives.

Please avoid signs on illegal immigration, Second Amendment, abortion, gay rights, etc. Please be creative and have fun.


We have three tea parties in South Florida!


West Palm Beach Tea Party

Exciting News, Hannah Giles, the college student who helped take down ACORN will be a speaker at West Palm Beach!

Please consider making a donation by clicking here for her legal fund.

301 N. Olive West Palm Beach County Building West Palm Beach, FL Time: 5:30PM – 7:30PM West Palm Beach promises to be an exciting event hosted by Doug Giles, live singing and music by Lou Galterio and Billy Bones, grassroots speeches and thousands of patriots.

There will be guest appearances by Joyce Kaufman and others. The location will be at the PBC County Building downtown with a stage and area for vendors. There will be a seating location for seniors and handicap.

Vendors and volunteers should email info@SouthFloridaTeaParty.org. Please bring your “change” for “change”.


Fort Lauderdale Tea Party

299 Broward Federal Building Fort Lauderdale, FL

Time: 4:00PM -7:30PM

Fort Lauderdale will be a sidewalk protest in front of the Federal Building downtown.

There will be guest appearances by Joyce Kaufman and others. Please come early if because we are expecting over a large amount of people that will be lining the road.

Volunteers should email Tim@PoliticalStrategist.org.


Miami Tea Party

2200 Northwest 72nd Avenue Miami Main Post Office Miami, FL

Time: 5:00PM – 7:30PM

Miami Tea Party will be along the road in front of the main post office. Taxpayers will give you many honks when they drop off their tax forms. Volunteers please email info@southfloridateaparty.org


Tea Party Pledge

Our Founding Fathers pledge everything they had to keep our country free. We feel that we too must make a solemn pledge for freedom.

Karl Rove wrote an excellent article in the WSJ on “Where the Tea Partiers Should Go from Here”.


 Here is our pledge:

1. I pledge that I will educate myself on key issues related to government spending, constitutional limits on government, and free markets.

Examples to include health care, deficit spending, national debt, and government takeover of private industries.


2. I pledge that I will know what position is held by my candidates for the United States Senate and House and for local and state offices on these issues.


3. I pledge that I will be registered to vote and will vote for the candidate for each office who best represents my views on these issues.


4. I pledge that I will enlist at least 10 other people to take this same pledge and will assure that they are registered to vote and vote in both primaries and general elections in 2010.


5. I pledge that I will follow up with all 10 other people from time to time to encourage them to find 10 additional people to pledge. I further will personally insure that each signatory register and vote in November.


6. With this pledge, I will commit to attending a minimum of six Tea Party events, meetings, go to rallies, or sponsored events between now and November 2010.


7. I pledge to disseminate to my signatories relevant information to include articles, news clips, video clips, or other information to better educate them on the key issues as described in 1) above.


Source: South Florida Tea Party


Editor’s Note: *South Florida Tea Party is a 501(c) 4 which neither supports nor opposes candidates for public office and claims no responsibility for the actions of individuals or groups of individuals who use the South Florida Tea Party logo or name or who may claim to act as representatives of the South Florida Tea Party without prior written consent of the South Florida Tea Party.

We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com

Missing Colo. Girl

April 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Human Interest

Missing Colorado GirlBy AP
Apr. 1, 2010

GREELEY, Colo. – Four days after a 12-year-old northern Colorado girl disappeared after leaving home to walk to a friend’s birthday party, authorities expanded their search Thursday to include places she was known to frequent, including a music store, library and shopping mall.

“We’re hoping against hope that she’s out there, she’s safe and she is just a runaway,” said Sgt. Joe Tymkowych of the police department in Greeley, about 60 miles north of Denver.

“But we have to try to figure all the possible propensities of things that could happen and pursue those leads as well.”

Kayleah (Kay LEE uh) Wilson was last seen Sunday afternoon, when she left her Greeley home to go to a birthday party just across a busy highway from her apartment building.

Authorities have since gone door to door seeking information on her whereabouts and used dogs to comb medians, ditches and bushes along the highway for clues.

Investigators also have interviewed friends, family and acquaintances and have found nothing to indicate she ran away, Tymkowych said. Police planned to re-interview some of those people Thursday.

About 60 police and FBI agents were aiding in the search for the sixth-grader, whom her mother, April Wilson, described as a “good kid.”

“She never hanged out with the bad crowds,” Wilson said Thursday outside her apartment. “She had her friends. She liked to hang out at the mall, go to the library — you know, typical kid stuff.”

Wilson said she had no information on what may have happened to her daughter but wanted her to know, “We love you. We miss you. Just come home. We want you home.”

Tymkowych said police have contacted the girl’s father, who lives in California, and other family members to advise them that she’s missing and may be contacting them if she ran away.

He says Kayleah had a boyfriend, who has been interviewed and is cooperating.

He is not considered a suspect or person of interest. April Wilson also spent about 12 hours at the police station Wednesday, but Tymkowych said Wilson was there assisting police in the search.

The middle school student is 5-foot-1, weighs 145 pounds and has brown hair and blue eyes. Authorities say Kayleah has asthma and was believed to be carrying an inhaler. She doesn’t have a cell phone.

April Wilson said her daughter likes pizza and the color pink, and that her favorite band is called Celtic Thunder.

At Kayleah’s school a few blocks from her home, teachers on Thursday wore purple and pink memorial ribbons turned sideways to resemble a “K” for Kayleah.

Brentwood Middle School science teacher Mandy Skinner described Kayleah as a soft-spoken girl who often kept to herself but participated enthusiastically in group discussions and completed her assignments.

“She’s a typical sixth-grader,” Skinner added.

Kayleah’s case is not the first missing-child case in Greeley. Jonelle Matthews, 12, disappeared on Dec. 20, 1984, and was never found. That case remains unsolved.

“That again was one of those situations where we were never able to establish if there was a runaway involved, or if it was an abduction,” Tymkowych said.

FBI Denver field office spokesman Dave Joly said the FBI regularly provides help in investigating possible child abductions.


Source: Yahoo News



Editor’s Note: AP – This undated photo provided by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children shows Kayleah Wilson

We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com

Creating a Easter Basket

April 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Human Interest

easterbasketBy Apple 4 Teacher
Apr. 4, 2010

With the rate of childhood obesity on the rise, try something new. This year, buy healthy snacks instead of candy.

You don’t have to sacrifice flavor, either. Low-calorie or low-fat doesn’t mean it has to taste bad.

This is one time that toys are okay. According to my kids, you can never have too many toys.

An Easter basket is about getting a special treat. No one said those treats had to be edible. Small hand-held electronic games are available at stores like Wal-Mart, Target, and Toys ‘R Us for less than ten dollars.

Card games like Yugioh and Dungeon Dice Monsters are winners with kids these days. For the younger set, try dolls or action figures.

Jelly beans versus dried fruit. Jelly beans would be great if it wasn’t for all of the sugar. You can never eat just one or five for that matter.

Dried fruit offers nutrition and taste in the same bite-sized portion as jelly beans. Ocean Spray® makes a snack called Craisins®. They are dried sweet cranberry snacks in different flavors.

Also, Sun-Maid®, best known for their raisins, makes dried fruit treats including yogurt- and chocolate-covered raisins. My favorite is chopped dates. Kids won’t believe they’re eating something that’s good for them.

Snack size versus regular size. If you add candy to your basket, smaller is better. Choose snack-sized morsels like Three Musketeers® or Peppermint Patties®. These candy treats are lower in calories than other choices. Just add three or four for a sweet treat instead of chocolate bunnies or cream eggs.

Store bought versus homemade treats. We all enjoy going to the store and getting bubble gum and cupcakes, but do you really know what’s in what you are eating?

Most if not all marketable treats started in someone’s kitchen. That means they were homemade at one time.

Let’s take Rice Krispy treats® for example. The recipe was on the cereal box before they became a pre-packaged item in the store.

At home, low-fat ingredients can be substituted to create delicious treats for the Easter basket. When you know what’s inside your food, you feel better about serving it to your kids.

Easter baskets don’t have to be chock full of junk to be fun. Healthy additions make you a better parent without sacrificing taste.

Teach children to eat right while they are young so that they develop a lifetime of good habits.


Source: Apple 4 the Teacher


Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com

Remove Obama Statue

February 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Human Interest

obama-statue-300x117by Rod McGuirk
Feb. 15, 2010

JAKARTA, Indonesia – Authorities removed a statue of Barack Obama from a park in the Indonesian capital due to a public backlash and moved it Monday to a nearby elementary school that the U.S. president attended as a child.

The bronze statue, inspired by a childhood photograph of a 10-year-old Obama in shorts with a butterfly perched on an outstretched thumb, had been targeted by critics since it was erected in the Jakarta park last December. Detractors argued that an Indonesian hero should have been honored instead, noting that Obama still could pursue policies that hurt Indonesia’s interests.

Obama, whose American mother married an Indonesian after divorcing his Kenyan father, went to school in the capital from 1967 to 1971 and is regarded fondly by most Indonesians.

Edi Kusyanto, a teacher at the affluent government school Obama attended, said the 43-inch (110-centimeter) statue would be standing in the school grounds by the time the president visits Jakarta from March 20-22.

“There is no controversy about the statue being here. Everyone at the school welcomes it,” Kusyanto said.

The statue was erected with private funds raised by the Jakarta-based nonprofit group Friends of Obama Foundation, but Jakarta Gov. Fauzi Bowo is paying for its relocation.

Ron Mullers, an American living in Jakarta who came up with the idea for the statue and raised money for it, declined to say whether he thought moving it was an overreaction.

“It’s a beautiful statue and it had become a tourist attraction,” Mullers said.

“My feeling is that the park is a place where more Indonesian people can see it,” he said.

Still, he said he was happy that the statue might inspire the school’s students to follow their dreams.

Heru Nugroho, leader of a Facebook campaign to remove the statue, welcomed the move but added that the decision had taken too long. He said he would now drop court action seeking the statue’s removal.

Indonesia is home to the world’s largest Muslim population and many here believe Obama will improve relations with the West.

Source: Yahoo News


Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com

Teachable Moments

February 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Human Interest

momdaughtertalkBy Time to Talk
Feb. 8, 2010

The kitchen offers endless opportunities for getting together, so while you’re checking out recipes, mixing and baking chocolate treats together, you can catch up on your children’s busy lives, and also talk about some serious subjects in a relaxed setting.

Parents and caregivers can turn baking delicious desserts with their families into Teachable Moments that encourage children to make good choices for themselves.

While it’s important to talk to your children about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse in order to safeguard them from these risky behaviors, the best recipe for open honest communication with your kids is equal parts listening and learning from the cues your children give you.


Here are some Teachable moments:

(1) Learn From Your Child By Listening To Them:

Listening to your children can be the best lesson for parents.

If your son or daughter tells you about a friend who got in trouble at school for smoking, drinking or using drugs, use this opportunity to reinforce why drugs are dangerous and why you want your kids to avoid making the same mistakes their friend made.

Let them know they can always be honest with you, come to you with any questions and that you love them and want to protect them.


(2) Learn From Others Mistakes:

Your teen’s favorite movie star or musician has just entered drug/alcohol rehab for the third time. You and your child have seen the reports on TV and have read stories on the internet about how this popular star is constantly in trouble with the law.

Use this as a perfect opportunity to reinforce the point that role models should also be those who behave responsibly, don’t do drugs or have taken the initiative to get help for a drug or alcohol problem.


(3) Healthy Bodies, Healthy Lives:

Encourage your kids to play sports and participate in outdoor activities or join afterschool clubs in order to keep them active.

Reinforce the importance of health and taking good care of our bodies in addition to remaining active and making good choices for themselves.

Remind your son or daughter that using drugs and drinking is not only dangerous to their health, but can have lasting consequences that will prevent them from doing the fun things they enjoy in the future.

Source: Time to Talk


Editor’s Note: we would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com

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