Happy Father’s Day

June 15, 2014 by  
Filed under Medical, Human Interest

fathers day 1 70x70By Leigh Erin Connealy,
June 15, 2014

For many families, Father’s Day is a bit different than the lavish, emotional tributes of Mother’s Day. And that’s fine. I know my husband – father of seven! – appreciates being remembered, but likes to keep things low key. And somehow it seems appropriate to honor our fathers with a little less fanfare than Mom. Like so many fathers, my own dad traveled a great deal for work. But my five siblings and I knew that even though Daddy wasn’t home, he still loved us more than anything in the world.

If Mom was the heart of our family, Dad was the backbone. He gave us all a solid foundation to build on, teaching us the importance of courage, determination, hard work, and respecting ourselves and others. Of course, it can be a bit of challenge to find the right words to express our feelings. So today, in honor of all our fathers, I’d like to share a poem that I think captures those emotions so well. The poem is “How Lucky To Have Had So Good a Father” by Italian composer Domenico Scarlatti:

How lucky to have had so good a father!
On us his warm, unstinting sun long shone.
We were, of his hardworking life, the center,
Loved for the pure joy of love alone.
Uncanny are the requisites of pleasure,
Coming as they do within the will.
Knowing well where lay his greatest treasure,
Years on years of love he labored still.

Happy Father’s Day!

Wishing you and yours health and happiness,


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