Patient of the Week – Joshua Solomon

October 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Patient of the Week

Joshua SolomonBy St. Jude
October 14, 2009

Joshua Solomon
5  years old



Joshua was found to have a brain stem glioma in August 2008.

Joshua’s Story:

Joshua is a sweet-natured boy. He has an engaging smile and he loves to give hugs. An only child, Joshua is the apple of his parents’ eyes. “He makes our day, every day,” said his mom. When Joshua suddenly fell ill during a family trip in late August, his family immediately rallied around him.

During the trip, Joshua developed neck pain and started to vomit. His family rushed him to a local hospital where the emergency room doctor ordered a CT scan and, when the results came in, sent the family to a larger hospital with a pediatric intensive care unit. “We didn’t really know why he was sending us there. We were kind of in a daze, and just praying,” Joshua’s mom remembered. At the larger hospital, doctors ordered an MRI, which revealed devastating news for Joshua’s parents: their boy suffered from an inoperable brain stem glioma, a type of brain tumor.

But there was hope on the horizon. Joshua’s parents were familiar with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and asked his doctor for a referral.

At St. Jude:st-jude-patch

Joshua underwent chemotherapy and 30 rounds of radiation. Throughout it all, St. Jude provided Joshua and his family everything they needed. “The doctors are first class,” Joshua’s mom said. “The care and concern St. Jude gave us was amazing.”

Joshua’s parents are astonished by the generosity of people who give to St. Jude. “Because of them, St. Jude provides care for all children,” said Joshua’s mom. “Whether families have insurance or not, the patients get first class care. I know Danny Thomas is looking down from Heaven and smiling.”

Joshua finished his treatment in November, and he returns to St. Jude every three months for checkups. He is in preschool and he loves Thomas the Train. Recently, Joshua went horseback riding for the first time. “He loved it,” his mom said. “He can’t wait to go back.”

St. Jude Editor’s Note: We regret to inform you that Joshua passed away on August 14, 2009.

Source St. Jude

  • Winsor Pilates

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