Patient of the Week – Tony Cain

October 28, 2009 by  
Filed under Patient of the Week

Tony CainBy St. Jude
October 27, 2009

Tony Cain
7 years old


Tony was found to suffer from Ewing sarcoma in July 2007.


Tony’s Story:

When 6-year-old Tony developed a limp and later hurt his leg while roughhousing, his family never imagined cancer was the root of these problems. During a family vacation to Florida, Tony slipped in a puddle of water and began limping. He assured his parents he wasn’t hurt, but they noticed that Tony continued to limp even after the family had returned home. A month later while jumping on his bed, Tony fell and hurt his leg.

“He didn’t sleep at all that night,” Tony’s mother said. “He said his leg hurt and he cried.” When Tony’s pain continued into the next day, she took him to the doctor. An X-ray revealed devastating news: Tony had a tumor. His pediatrician referred the family to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital right away. “I was in disbelief, I didn’t know what to think,” Tony’s mom said. “It all happened so quickly.”

At St. Jude:
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

As soon as the family arrived at St. Jude, they felt at ease. “We walked in the doors and my tears just stopped,” his mom said. “We saw kids playing and nobody looked sad.” St. Jude doctors found Tony suffered from Ewing sarcoma, a cancer of the bone and soft tissue.

Tony underwent five rounds of chemotherapy, followed by surgery to remove the tumor and part of his pelvis affected by the tumor. He then received 12 more rounds of chemotherapy. Tony also received physical and occupational therapies to help him regain strength. He now returns to St. Jude every three months for checkups.

Tony’s mom is thankful for all that St. Jude has provided for her family during this difficult time. Aside from Tony’s treatment and care, St. Jude provided housing, meals and transportation for him and one family member, as well as activities like arts and crafts projects to keep Tony and his sister, Alexis, occupied. The family is grateful, too, for the donors who help support St. Jude. “There’s no way we could have done it on our own,” his mom said.

Tony is in second grade. His favorite subject is reading, and each week he brings home a stack of books to read. Tony also likes to play outside with the neighborhood kids. “He gets tired a lot faster,” Tony’s mom said, “but Tony does his best to keep up with the kids. He still runs with them.”

Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think.

Source St. Jude

  • Winsor Pilates

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