My Best Friend Rocco

November 15, 2009 by  
Filed under Encouragement

My Friend RoccoBy Danielle Azzolina
November 15, 2009

Rocco Fiorentino heads a foundation to help people like him who are blind.

After getting to know my friend Rocco Fiorentino, I have gained a new awareness and appreciation of what a visually impaired person can do.

When I am hanging out with Rocco, I sometimes forget that he is blind. We made a music CD together for fun and it was amazing to watch the way Rocco handled all the equipment. He was the sound engineer and worked the sound mixers and recording instruments with skill and confidence. He also beat me in Wii bowling 171 to 172!

Rocco is only 12 years old and he is already an accomplished musician. He plays the piano, drums, and saxophone. He also sings!

Knowing Rocco has shown me that one person’s life story can make a huge difference in the world. He has also shown me that the resources to help blind children be as accomplished as he is are scarce.

Rocco and his parents started an organization called The Little Rock Foundation to help kids who don’t have access to the education they need to live fulfilling lives. To me, Rocco, has the same spirit, strength, and determination as Helen Keller, who did so much in her lifetime to help the blind community.

You can read more about Rocco and check out an interview I had with Helen Keller’s great grand niece Keller Johnson-Thompson, who is continuing Helen Keller’s legacy:

Helen Keller’s Legacy: Keller Johnson-Thompson discusses the life and contributions of her Great Grand Aunt Helen Keller.

In Helen Keller’s Footsteps: Rocco Fiorentino talks about how Keller inspires him to continue her legacy of education and assistance for the blind.

You can also find out how you can help by checking out Rocco’s website, The Little Rock Foundation. Thanks!

PHOTO: Rocco Fiorentino (left) and Kid Reporter Danielle Azzolina (right) at the New Jersey State Library Talking Book and Braille Center in Trenton, New Jersey. (Photo Courtesy Danielle Azzolina)

Source: Scholastic News Online


Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think?

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