Welcome to Kickstart!

December 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Encouragement

kick-start-kidsBy Chuck Norris
Dec. 12, 2009

In August of 1990, I formed the Kick Drugs Out of America Foundation dba KICKSTART.

Today, our program operates in 44 schools in the Houston, Dallas, Galveston, and Austin areas of Texas.

We currently serve over 6,300 of today’s youth, making a positive impact in their lives. The purpose of the Foundation’s mentoring program is to help provide an alternative to drugs and gang activities related to peer pressure.

Specific goals of the program are to encourage students to resolve conflicts productively, avoid participating in gangs, choose a drug-free lifestyle, and remain in high school until they graduate.

Martial art training serves as a vehicle to instill the values and skills necessary to combat the peer pressures associated with at risk behaviors.

The core philosophy of Martial Arts stresses the vital importance of a healthy mind and body necessary to lead a productive life.

Our program is evaluated yearly, and studies have shown that KICKSTART has impacted the lives of children in a positive way.

Not only has the program helped children resist risky behaviors, the program has contributed to the development of conflict resolution skills and a reduction in youth violence, has attached youth to a caring adult, created more independence and competency, and nurtured higher aspirations.

The program targets and instills protective factors in the students, which are known to enhance resiliency by incorporating the following key strategies: 

  • Teach Discipline
  • Instill a sense of belonging
  • Provide an opportunity for meaningful participation in communities and schools
  • Set reachable goals
  • Create reflective individuals
  • Increase family participation
  • Transfer skills
  • Collaborate with faculty and administrators


The KICKSTART mentoring program replaces many missing elements of our students’ lives by offering a role model, a figure of authority, and chance to succeed in reaching goals, physical and mental conditioning, and most importantly a feeling of hope for their futures and an opportunity to believe in themselves.

Source: Kick Start

Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com

  • Winsor Pilates

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