True Meaning of Easter

April 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Features

jesus on crossBy Denise Willms
Apr. 4, 2010

As a Christian mom, Easter means much more to me than filling baskets with chocolate treats and watching children hunt high and low for their presents each year. Although those activities are a lot of fun!

More importantly for me, though, Easter is the time of year where I can talk with my children about Jesus’ death on the cross, His resurrection, and what it means for them – eternal friendship with Jesus!

For young children, the concept of salvation can be very difficult to understand. There are a lot of tools that can help you explain God’s gift to us and why His Son had to die on the cross.

You can make salvation bracelets out of colored beads or salvation books out of colored paper, and explain the significance of each color.

You can also purchase toys from your Christian bookstore to help explain God’s plan of salvation in a child friendly way.

At Easter time, with so much yummy candy around, why not use jellybeans to teach your children the true meaning of Easter?


Here are some suggestions of what the different colors can represent.


Black – This color represents sin. Sin is what separates us from God.

Red – This represents the blood Jesus shed when He died for us. Only the blood of Jesus Christ can erase our sin.

White – The white jellybean represents how clean our hearts are after Jesus’ blood removes our sin.

Green – Green is the color of grass and growing things. Now that Jesus has cleaned our hearts, we can grow to become more like Him.

Purple – This is the color of royalty. We need to remember that Jesus is the King of Kings. Now He is the king of our hearts.

Yellow – This represents the streets of gold that are in heaven. When we die we will live with Jesus in Heaven forever.

Pink and Orange– You can be creative with these colors! Perhaps one is to give to a friend, and tell them the Good News of Jesus too.


Source: Ezine Articles


Editor’s Note: Denise Willms is a freelance writer and virtual assistant, and a work at home mom to two teenagers. Do you want to know more about being a successful work at home mom? Denise publishes free work at home information at .

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