This Easter Morning

April 4, 2010 by  
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JesusoncrossBy John Tydlaska Jr
Apr. 4, 2010

Our Lord Jesus this Easter morning rose gloriously from the dead who I worship as my living Savior.

He has redeemed me and all those called by His name to be Thine own eternally. I give thanks and adore Thee as Conqueror of Satan, sin, and death.

Joy fills my heart as I come into Thy presence. Thy resurrection proclaims to all believers forgiveness of our sins, which brings peace to our hearts and songs of praise to our lips.

I know that through the bitter sufferings and blood of my Savior on the cross that we are reconciled to God, our Heavenly Father.

My Faith fills my heart with joy as I this Easter morning join with all Thy people to praise Thee. I know that the gates of hell shall not prevail against Thy Church.

Thy power and strength goes on from victory to victory as we bear witness of Thee and confess Thy name to the ends of the earth.

I pray that God takes full possession of our hearts today. Cleanse us in hearts, minds, and our beloved America from the evil that resides in our nation.

I pray that God continue his love and protection for all those called by His name and for America as one Nation under God.

I pray that His people across America increase in number from day to day. Gather Christians from East to West, from North to South of Thine own elect and help us with courage to re-establish America in Thine honor and glory throughout our land of freedom and liberty under Thy domain once more.

For my family and friends, Happy Easter, Amen



Source: John Tydlaska Jr


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