Florida Tea Party

April 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Human Interest

fla teapartyBy Tim McClellan 
Apr. 14, 2010

Be sure to join in to show our Government that we are not satisfied with the lack of fiscal responsibility, the stunting of growth of the job and small business markets and this week promises to be very exciting and busy.

Unfortunately, we have been under attack – which means we are having an effect!

Last night’s election was not a referendum on Obama care or the President. It was just one battle in many that we will fight.

Some we will win, some we will lose. However, history will not judge us by our loses, but how long we will fight to win.

Feeling down – watch our special tax day tea party video “When You Get Hit” – you might recognize some famous people.

Do you have friends in other cities/states?

Tell them to go to TeaPartyPartriots.org where there is a national list of over 750 tea parties and 1800 different tea party groups!

Exciting News, Hannah Giles, the college student who helped take down ACORN will be a speaker at West Palm Beach Tax Day Tea Party.

Please consider making a donation by clicking here for her legal fund. Her expenses are already over $600,000! Let’s help her keep up the fight.


Here are three things we need to warn you about:

1. We have received copies of several false rumors and emails.

Please disregard these people and emails. Anyone that attacks South Florida Tea Party is obviously working for the other side.

It was a little over a month ago Clinton bragged about going after the tea parties.


2. Our enemies plan to “infiltrate” and try to get tea party members information at Tea Parties

An example is from www.CrashtheTeaParty.org – “We’re going to attend their rally, but plan to have a bunch of truly ludicrous signs.

Things that say “Obama drinks Christian Baby Blood” or “Jesus wrote the constitution”.

The more misspelled words the better…You could also dress in overalls with no shirt, or a stained “wife beater” t-shirt, But you get the general idea.”


3. Do not give out any personal information (email, name, phone, address) unless they are connected to South Florida Tea Party.

This is very serious. Please note they may say they are from Fort Lauderdale Tea Party, Citizens in Action, Glen Beck, 912, Hallandale Tea Party, DC Works, simply say no thank you to their requests.

All legitimate organizations will hand you information that allows you to visit their website and contact them.

At each tea party, a tea party leader from South Florida Tea Party will instruct you how to get involved in the movement.


Important Note on Signs:

Please remember to bring signs regarding the tea party movement.

We started the tea party because of the bailouts, out of control spending and governments involvement in our lives.

Please avoid signs on illegal immigration, Second Amendment, abortion, gay rights, etc. Please be creative and have fun.


We have three tea parties in South Florida!


West Palm Beach Tea Party

Exciting News, Hannah Giles, the college student who helped take down ACORN will be a speaker at West Palm Beach!

Please consider making a donation by clicking here for her legal fund.

301 N. Olive West Palm Beach County Building West Palm Beach, FL Time: 5:30PM – 7:30PM West Palm Beach promises to be an exciting event hosted by Doug Giles, live singing and music by Lou Galterio and Billy Bones, grassroots speeches and thousands of patriots.

There will be guest appearances by Joyce Kaufman and others. The location will be at the PBC County Building downtown with a stage and area for vendors. There will be a seating location for seniors and handicap.

Vendors and volunteers should email info@SouthFloridaTeaParty.org. Please bring your “change” for “change”.


Fort Lauderdale Tea Party

299 Broward Federal Building Fort Lauderdale, FL

Time: 4:00PM -7:30PM

Fort Lauderdale will be a sidewalk protest in front of the Federal Building downtown.

There will be guest appearances by Joyce Kaufman and others. Please come early if because we are expecting over a large amount of people that will be lining the road.

Volunteers should email Tim@PoliticalStrategist.org.


Miami Tea Party

2200 Northwest 72nd Avenue Miami Main Post Office Miami, FL

Time: 5:00PM – 7:30PM

Miami Tea Party will be along the road in front of the main post office. Taxpayers will give you many honks when they drop off their tax forms. Volunteers please email info@southfloridateaparty.org


Tea Party Pledge

Our Founding Fathers pledge everything they had to keep our country free. We feel that we too must make a solemn pledge for freedom.

Karl Rove wrote an excellent article in the WSJ on “Where the Tea Partiers Should Go from Here”.


 Here is our pledge:

1. I pledge that I will educate myself on key issues related to government spending, constitutional limits on government, and free markets.

Examples to include health care, deficit spending, national debt, and government takeover of private industries.


2. I pledge that I will know what position is held by my candidates for the United States Senate and House and for local and state offices on these issues.


3. I pledge that I will be registered to vote and will vote for the candidate for each office who best represents my views on these issues.


4. I pledge that I will enlist at least 10 other people to take this same pledge and will assure that they are registered to vote and vote in both primaries and general elections in 2010.


5. I pledge that I will follow up with all 10 other people from time to time to encourage them to find 10 additional people to pledge. I further will personally insure that each signatory register and vote in November.


6. With this pledge, I will commit to attending a minimum of six Tea Party events, meetings, go to rallies, or sponsored events between now and November 2010.


7. I pledge to disseminate to my signatories relevant information to include articles, news clips, video clips, or other information to better educate them on the key issues as described in 1) above.


Source: South Florida Tea Party


Editor’s Note: *South Florida Tea Party is a 501(c) 4 which neither supports nor opposes candidates for public office and claims no responsibility for the actions of individuals or groups of individuals who use the South Florida Tea Party logo or name or who may claim to act as representatives of the South Florida Tea Party without prior written consent of the South Florida Tea Party.

We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com

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