White House and Obama Bring Kids to Work Day

April 23, 2010 by  
Filed under Features

Michelle ObamaBy Natasha T. Metzler
Apr. 23, 2010

WASHINGTON – Michelle Obama told a group of curious kids visiting the White House Thursday about her daughter Malia’s most frequent question about Dad’s job: What’s he doing to help tigers?

Asked about her family’s favorite animal, the first lady said they talk about tigers at least once a week, because Malia, 11, is concerned about what President Barack Obama is doing to save the endangered animals.

“He tells her he’s working on it and there are a lot of people who are thinking about it,” she said. “But I think, the Obama household, we’re trying to save the tigers.”

Mrs. Obama spent about an hour taking queries from children of executive office employees who visited the White House for Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.

The children asked Mrs. Obama about life in the White House, her campaign against childhood obesity, the White House garden – and whether she could make school recesses longer. She dodged that last one.

One detail she shared: The playlist on her iPod includes songs by Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Rihanna, Beyonce, Usher and Sting.

The kids cheered an appearance by the first family’s dog, Bo, and leapt out of their seats to pet him.

The employees’ children were scheduled for a tour of the White House that included seeing a demonstration by the Secret Service, making a healthy snack with the pastry chef, visiting the White House athletic center and learning about beekeeping and composting at the first lady’s garden.


Source: Yahoo News       AP



Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com

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