Palin Upset with School for AZ Boycott

May 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Features

Palin_teamBy Fox Nation
May 13, 2010

Sarah Palin took on officials of an Illinois high school for canceling a trip to Arizona by its girls’ basketball team because of the controversial new immigration law.

She also maintained her support for oil drilling despite the massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
“Keeping the girls’ basketball team off the court for political reasons?

Those are fighting words,” the former Alaska governor and GOP vice presidential candidate said during a speech Wednesday in Rosemont, Ill., a Chicago suburb.

Noting that Highland Park High School has allowed student trips to China, Palin asked whether school officials know “how they treat women in China.”
School officials said the Arizona immigration law that makes it a crime to be in the country illegally and requires police to check the immigration status of suspects was not “aligned with our beliefs and values.”
Palin encouraged the team to defy authority.
“Go rogue, girls,” she said, playing off the title of her book about being John McCain’s running mate in 2008.

On the campaign trail, fans often greeted her with, “Drill, baby, drill” to signal their agreement with her support for aggressive oil exploration.
On Wednesday night, Palin maintained that support but said oil companies must be held accountable through strict standards.
Highland Park High School Scraps Team Trip to Arizona
Illinois School Nixes Basketball Team’s Trip to Arizona over Immigration Law

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Source: Fox Nation



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  • Winsor Pilates

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