Toddler’s Bill of Rights: Potty Proclamation
By: Lawrence Kutner, Ph.D.
July 13, 2009
1. Please let me go at my own pace.
Help me, but don’t push me to do things before I’m ready.
2. Please understand that I have accidents and make mistakes.
Remember that everyone has accidents as they learn. I’m not doing it on purpose.
3. Please understand that I will do things differently than other children.
I have my own style. Don’t expect me to be the same as other children you know.
4. Please praise me for my efforts, not just my successes.
Sometimes it will take awhile for me to “get it.” What’s important is that I’m trying. I’ll get there!
5. Please understand when I become frustrated.
I really want to be able to do the things big kids can do, even though my body won’t always let me. Please be patient and understanding when this happens.
6. Please understand when I am suspicious of plumbing.
Toilets and drains are big and noisy and scary. I need to know that they won’t hurt me.
7. Please let me take a break when things are stressful.
I can’t always learn something new when there are big changes in my life, such as a move to a new home or the birth of a baby. At times like these, please understand if I need additional support and have to relearn skills you thought I had already mastered.
8. Please understand when I am concerned about what happens to my body.
Everything about my body, even my potty, is important to me. I need to know what happens after I flush the potty.
9. Please understand if I giggle and act like a child.
After all, I’m just a kid. Sometimes I get overwhelmed.
10. Please explain things to me in ways I can understand.
Sometimes I can’t make sense of the things people say. Help me by using words that I feel comfortable with and can understand.
Source: Pampers
Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think?