Book Review of the Week – Moon Rabbit

July 18, 2009 by  
Filed under Books

moon rabbitBy Amy Scheibe
July 18, 2009

Editor’s Note: This book is wriiten by Natalie Russell (Viking Juvenile, 2009)
Ages 3 to 6

We would like to know your favor book? And we would also like if you would write a review on it and we will Publish it.

I am completely smitten with Little Rabbit  and her moonlit adventure to discover whether there is someone out there “just like her.” When she hears some lovely music playing in the park, she stumbles upon Brown Rabbit, who is nothing like her, making him the perfect friend. Russell is a papermaker, and has illustrated her adorable book with sumptuous prints.

Or try: Goodnight Moon (1947). No kidding. If you don’t have a copy in your house, get one. All ages.

 Source: Grand Parents

  • Winsor Pilates

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