Species Discovered in Himalayas

August 12, 2009 by  
Filed under Human Interest

LitterFrogBy Fox News
August 11, 2009

Editor’s Note: There has been a new discovery of 353 Species in Himalayas. Here is a slide show of some of them.

Gumprecht’s green pitviper, a venomous snake that can grow over four feet, is among 353 new species discovered over last decade in the Himalayas.

Litter Frog

Smith’s litter frog , identified in 1999, one of five new frog discoveries in the Indian state of Assam, ranks among the most extraordinary-looking frogs in the world. Measuring only a few centimeters, this small frog has a giant pair of piercing, bulging and vivid golden eyes. Smith’s litter frog was reportedly discovered in the Mayeng Hill Reserve Forest and Garbhanga Reserve Forest, Kamru District, Assam. (WWF)

Source: Fox News

Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think? dan@goldcoastchronicle.com

  • Winsor Pilates

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