“FEMA for Kids” Program Debuts in California Schools

May 12, 2009 by  
Filed under Encouragement

fema-for-kids-11by Fema For Kids
May 13, 2009


Elementary school students in Southern California are becoming “Disaster Action Kids” by participating in a new disaster preparedness program developed by FEMA’s wildfire recovery staff.  The message of the “FEMA for Kids” program is “Be aware-prepare.”

During the school-based program, students visit “learning stations” with various activities.  In one recent program in Los Angeles:

  • The American Red Cross taught students how to deal with scrapes and minor cuts, administer first aid and apply warm and cold compresses.
  • Local firefighters showed how protective gear helps keep them safe while fighting fires and taught “stop, drop and roll,” as students practiced what to do if clothing catches on fire.
  • A pet awareness trainer demonstrated how to care for animals during stressful times. The students even learned how to transport a pet snake during an emergency-in a pillow case.
  • Kids explored ready.gov at a computer station to learn how to make an emergency plan and what to pack in an emergency kit.
  • Last, kids drew pictures to reinforce what they learned during the exercises. 

All students got “FEMA-Certified Disaster Action Kid” certificates.  You can become a Disaster Action Kid and get a certificate by completing the activities on the  Disaster Action Kid webpage. fema-kids-2

The students’ enthusiasm for the “FEMA for Kids” program was summed up in one student’s thank you note-“You guys rock.”  FEMA plans to provide DVDs of the program to schools throughout California

Source: Fema For Kids

  • Winsor Pilates

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