Alexander: Birthday Parties

November 15, 2009 by  
Filed under Alexander

alexnadarBy Alexander
Nov. 15, 2009 


Dear Alexander,

(Q) I have gone to lots of birthday parties and I have always gotten to eat the birthday cake. But I just found out I am allergic to tree nuts and now my mom and dad say we have to bring our own safe treat to parties. Why can’t I eat the birthday cake if I was always able to eat it before?


(A) Sometimes cake contains tree nuts such as walnuts, pecans, or almonds, to name just a few. Just because you cannot see the tree nuts in the cake, does not mean they are not there. Sometimes cakes are made in bakeries or kitchens that use tree nuts for other baked goods, so a cake made without tree nuts might accidentally come into contact with them, making it unsafe to eat. That is why you must not eat cake unless your mom says it is “safe.”

If your parents want you to take your own treat to the party, maybe you could ask your friend what flavor cake he or she will be having and you can help your mom and dad make an allergy-free version of the same thing.

Good luck!

Your friend,

Alexander the Elephant


Source: Food Allergy


Editor’s Note: The above is not designed to take the place of a doctor’s instructions. Patients are urged to contact a doctor for specific information regarding guidelines for care.

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