
July 12, 2009 by  
Filed under Alexander

By Alexander
July 11, 2009


Dear Alexander,
(Q) We are going on a big road trip this summer to see my grandparents. The last time I saw my grandma and grandpa, they sort of brushed off my milk allergy even though my mom always tells them how important it is. Can you help me figure out what to say to my grandparents so that they’ll understand?


(A) Sometimes grandparents do not understand much about food allergies because when they grew up, they did not know anyone who had a food allergy. An easy way to help them to understand is to bring them FAAN’s DVD, One Bite Is All It Takes! You and your parents can ask them to sit down and watch the DVD with you. After it is over, invite them to ask you questions about your food allergy. You can educate them right in their own living room! Remind them that there were not very many people with food allergies when they were growing up, but that things have changed. Tell them about some of your friends or people you know at school who have food allergies (or about all the kids who visit this website!), and what each of you needs to do to stay safe. Ask them for ways to help you stay safe, too. 


Good luck!

Your friend,



 Source: Food Allergy Neywork

Editor’s Note: The information above is not designed to take the place of a doctor’s instructions. Patients are urged to contact a doctor for specific information regarding guidelines for care.

We would like to know what you think? And is there a question that you have for Alexander.

  • Winsor Pilates

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