Hero of the Week: Navy Ensign Zachary Eckhart

April 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Features

Honring our hometown herosBy James L. Agnew
Sheriff of Goochland County, VA
Apr. 26, 2010

Editors Note:  The local newspaper, Richmond Times Dispatch, refused to run this story. 

We thought this young man deserved at least this recognition. This was posted by James Agnew in Political Christian.

We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com


On Monday, April 12, my niece, Sarah, received a call that all military spouses and family members dread. Her beloved husband, Ensign Zachary Eckhart, was missing as a result of a Navy plane crash in the mountains of northern Georgia.

Navy officials told Sarah about 9:30 that night that Zach’s plane had crashed in rugged terrain. She learned that three servicemen were confirmed dead and one was missing.

As family members received the news, we prayed fervently and searched the internet for any information about the crash, all of us holding onto the remote chance that Zach, somehow, had survived the crash.

Unfortunately, we learned the next day that all four aviators had perished in the T-39 aircraft based at the Pensacola Naval Air Station. Sarah, married for a scant 18 months to the love of her life, was devastated by the news.

Zach was an ensign in the United States Navy and he was nearing the end of his Naval Flight Officer training at Pensacola.

From the time he was a little boy, Zach wanted to be a Navy flier like his dad, Brad, a retired navy commander. Zach knew what he wanted in life and pursued it aggressively.

After high school, Zach enrolled at Virginia Tech where he majored in aerospace engineering and marched with the Highty-Tighties, the regimental band of the Corps of Cadets at Virginia Tech.

He excelled in his studies and as a leader in the Corps. He also met a fine young lady named Sarah, whom he later married in a beautiful ceremony at the War Memorial Chapel along the drill field at Tech.

On that gorgeous southwest Virginia fall Saturday, I had the pleasure of witnessing the union of two very fine young people in a simple, yet majestic military wedding.

I was struck by the camaraderie of their friends, those who had endured the rigors of the cadet corps.

They proudly wore their uniforms, some still in the uncomfortable looking cadet dress blues and others, recently graduated, in the uniforms of all of our armed services.

I was struck, too, by the memorial to the seven VA Tech graduates who had won the Medal of Honor, an enormous number from one school.

There was no doubt in my mind that Zach would uphold the honor of the Corps of Cadets and the names of those seven men on the wall of the chapel.

On Friday, we gathered with Sarah again, this time at the base chapel in Pensacola to say goodbye to Zach and the other three men who perished on the T-39.

Family members and friends from around the country; Navy, Marine and Air Force aviators; and all the members of Zach’s squadron gathered to honor the memories of these fine men and to give solace to one another.

Retired Navy Lt. Cmdr. Charles McDaniel, Marine Capt. Jason Paynter, and Marine Lt. Shawn Nice also gave their lives in the accident.

Navy and Marine speakers at the memorial service reminded us that members of our armed forces are incredibly stoic about the dangers they face.

While their mission is perilous, their job is to complete that mission despite the dangers, despite the arduous hours, despite the toll on family relationships, and despite the distance from home.

The assembled family members were stoic too; at least until a formation of Navy jets flew over us as a bugler finished “Taps”. When one of the aircraft peeled off in the missing man formation, we gasped simultaneously, and most wept openly.

While I feel a deep and intense sadness over Zach’s death, I know that he understood and accepted the risks of defending us, and I am greatly encouraged about the future of our country.

The men and women I met in Pensacola are the very best the United States has to offer.

It was an honor to have been in the presence of such fine, dedicated, and highly motivated patriots, people who consistently put themselves in harm’s way to defend the freedoms that so many of us take for granted.

My heart grieves for Sarah and Zach’s family, but I am comforted that so many young American men and women are willing to serve us. They and their families deserve our unending prayers and our undying support and respect.


Source: Political Christian

America: We Need to Pray For Alabama Judge Roy Moore

April 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Features

ten commandemetBy Dan Samaria
Apr. 26, 2010

I received this e-mail from one of my readers, it was sent unnamed. We need to pass this on to all your friends. This Former Judge is a true Hero and he needs our prayers. His name is Judge Roy Moore.

We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com


Some of you may be wondering what has happened to Alabama Judge Roy Moore since he was removed from the bench for refusing to remove the Ten Commandments from his courtroom wall?

In case you forgot he was sued by the ACLU for displaying the Ten Commandments in his Courtroom. He was stripped of his judgeship and now they are trying to strip his right to strip his right to practice law in Alabama!

Judge Moore wrote the following Poem that sums it up quite well:


 America the beautiful,
or so you used to be.
Land of the Pilgrims’ pride;
I’m glad they’ll never see.

Babies piled in dumpsters,
Abortion on demand,
Oh, sweet land of liberty;
your house is on the sand.

Our children wander aimlessly
poisoned by cocaine
choosing to indulge their lusts,
when God has said abstain.

From sea to shining sea,
our Nation turns away
From the teaching of God’s love
and a need to always pray.

We’ve kept God in our
temples, how callous we have grown.
When earth is but His footstool,
and Heaven is His throne.
We’ve voted in a government
that’s rotting at the core,
Appointing Godless Judges;
who throw reason out the door.

Too soft to place a killer
in a well deserved tomb,
but brave enough to kill a baby
before he leaves the womb.

You think that God’s not
angry, that our land’s a moral slum?
How much longer will He wait
before His judgment comes?

How are we to face our God,
from whom we cannot hide?
What then is left for us to do,
but stem this evil tide?

If we who are His children,
will humbly turn and pray;
seek His holy face
and mend our evil way:

Then God will hear from Heaven;
and forgive us of our sins;
He’ll heal our sickly land
and those who live within.

But,  America the Beautiful,
If you don’t – then you will see,
A sad but Holy God
withdraw His hand from Thee.

~~Judge Roy Moore~~


This says it all. May we all forward this message and offer our prayers for Judge Moore to be blessed and for    America to wake up and realize what we need to do to keep OUR America the Beautiful.

Pass this on and let’s lift Judge Moore up in Prayer. He has stood firm and needs our support.



White House and Obama Bring Kids to Work Day

April 23, 2010 by  
Filed under Features

Michelle ObamaBy Natasha T. Metzler
Apr. 23, 2010

WASHINGTON – Michelle Obama told a group of curious kids visiting the White House Thursday about her daughter Malia’s most frequent question about Dad’s job: What’s he doing to help tigers?

Asked about her family’s favorite animal, the first lady said they talk about tigers at least once a week, because Malia, 11, is concerned about what President Barack Obama is doing to save the endangered animals.

“He tells her he’s working on it and there are a lot of people who are thinking about it,” she said. “But I think, the Obama household, we’re trying to save the tigers.”

Mrs. Obama spent about an hour taking queries from children of executive office employees who visited the White House for Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.

The children asked Mrs. Obama about life in the White House, her campaign against childhood obesity, the White House garden – and whether she could make school recesses longer. She dodged that last one.

One detail she shared: The playlist on her iPod includes songs by Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Rihanna, Beyonce, Usher and Sting.

The kids cheered an appearance by the first family’s dog, Bo, and leapt out of their seats to pet him.

The employees’ children were scheduled for a tour of the White House that included seeing a demonstration by the Secret Service, making a healthy snack with the pastry chef, visiting the White House athletic center and learning about beekeeping and composting at the first lady’s garden.


Source: Yahoo News       AP



Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com

President Adams 184 Year Old Letter Discovered

April 21, 2010 by  
Filed under Features

president adams letterBy David Abel
Apr. 21, 2010

QUINCY — Paul Hines, an assistant city solicitor, was combing through dozens of old boxes in the musty basement of City Hall, searching for records to defend the city from a lawsuit, when he made an unexpected find.

A dust-covered box in one of the 126-year-old building’s former jail cells was filled with old scrapbooks.

As Hines leafed through the brittle pages earlier this month, he came upon a letter from 1826 that addressed the burial of John Adams and his wife, Abigail, in First Parish Church across the street from City Hall.

And when he flipped over the sheet of yellowing paper with neat, cursive handwriting, Hines saw it was signed by the second president’s son, John Quincy Adams, who at the time he wrote the letter was serving as the nation’s sixth president.

“It was very exciting,’’ Hines said. “I was wondering whether anyone knew this existed, and when the last time it was seen. I thought we should take it out of those conditions, so it could be shared and preserved.’’

He immediately brought the scrapbook to Mayor Thomas Koch, and yesterday, Koch and Hines announced that the city would be sending that book and others to a company in Vermont that specializes in preserving rare books and papers.

Adams penned the letter, dated Sept. 8, 1826, two months after his father died on the young nation’s Independence Day. He was seeking permission from the supervisors of the church, which he called a “temple,’’ to bury his father and mother there.

“I have considered it a duty devolving upon me to erect a plain and modest monument to his memory: and my wish is that divested of all ostentation it may yet be as durable as the walls of the Temple to the erection of which he has contributed, and as the Rocks of his native Town which are to supply the materials for it,’’ Adams wrote.

He added: “I have many reasons for desiring that this may be undertaken without delay and . . .that both my parents may not remain for an indefinite time without a stone to tell where they lie.’’

John and Abigail Adams, as well as John Quincy and Louisa Catherine Adams, remain buried in the church today.

Ed Fitzgerald, executive director of the Quincy Historical Society, said the letter might be useful for biographers of the Adams family, because it provides rare insight into the feelings between the two presidents.

Fitzgerald also noted that Adams’s language seeking a “plain and modest monument’’ reflects the family’s New England heritage.

“We do think this is an important piece of work,’’ he said. “I think it’s reflective of New England culture, in that he wanted the monument devoid of ostentation.’’

At a City Hall press conference, Koch said about $8,000 in state historical preservation money would protect the scrapbook for years to come. He said the city has already spent tens of thousands of dollars in state funds to preserve other scrapbooks found in the basement.

Koch said the city is seeking a better place to store the remaining boxes and is considering how best to display Adams’s recently discovered letter and other historical documents.

“It’s kind of a neat day for us,’’ he said.


© Copyright 2010 Globe Newspaper Company.


Source: Boston.com




Editor’s Note: David Abel can be reached at dabel@globe.com.  A letter written by President John Quincy Adams about burial plans for his father and mother was rediscovered in the basement of Quincy City Hall. (Pat Greenhouse/Globe Staff).

We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com





Communion on the Moon

April 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Human Interest

moonBy Dan Samaria
Apr. 19, 2010

I love when I get e-mails from my readers. I got this one today, checked it out and it is true.

How many of us knew about this?

It is a shame this type of news doesn’t travel as fast.

This was written on July 20, 1969 by Eric Metaxas. We hope you enjoy it and will pass it on to your friends.

We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com


Forty years ago two human beings changed history by walking on the surface of the moon. But what happened before Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong exited the Lunar Module is perhaps even more amazing, if only because so few people know about it.

“I’m talking about the fact that Buzz Aldrin took communion on the surface of the moon. Some months after his return, he wrote about it in Guideposts magazine.
And a few years ago I had the privilege of meeting him myself. I asked him about it and he confirmed the story to me, and I wrote about in my book Everything You Always Wanted to Know about God (But Were Afraid to Ask).
The background to the story is that Aldrin was an elder at his Presbyterian Church in Texas during this period in his life, and knowing that he would soon be doing something unprecedented in human history, he felt he should mark the occasion somehow, and he asked his minister to help him.

And so the minister consecrated a communion wafer and a small vial of communion wine. And Buzz Aldrin took them with him out of the Earth’s orbit and on to the surface of the moon.
He and Armstrong had only been on the lunar surface for a few minutes when Aldrin made the following public statement:

“This is the LM pilot. I’d like to take this opportunity to ask every person listening in, whoever and wherever they may be, to pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his or her own way.”

He then ended radio communication and there, on the silent surface of the moon, 250,000 miles from home, he read a verse from the Gospel of John, and he took communion. Here is his own account of what happened:
“In the radio blackout, I opened the little plastic packages which contained the bread and the wine.

I poured the wine into the chalice our church had given me. In the one-sixth gravity of the moon, the wine slowly curled and gracefully came up the side of the cup.

Then I read the Scripture, ‘I am the vine, you are the branches. Whosoever abides in me will bring forth much fruit… Apart from me you can do nothing. 

I had intended to read my communion passage back to earth, but at the last minute [they] had requested that I not do this.  

NASA was already embroiled in a legal battle with Madelyn Murray O’Hare, the celebrated opponent of religion, over the Apollo 8 crew reading from Genesis while orbiting the moon at Christmas. I agreed reluctantly.
I ate the tiny Host and swallowed the wine. I gave thanks for the intelligence and spirit that had brought two young pilots to the Sea of Tranquility.

It was interesting for me to think: the very first liquid ever poured on the moon, and the very first food eaten there, were the communion elements.
And of course, it’s interesting to think that some of the first words spoken on the moon were the words of Jesus Christ, who made the Earth and the moon – and who, in the immortal words of Dante, is Himself the “Love that moves the Sun and other stars.”

Sex Offender Pleads Guilty to Killing Teens

April 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Features

Missing TeenBy Emanuella Grinberg 
Apr. 19, 2010    

(CNN) — Calling capital punishment in California an “empty promise,” the father of murdered teen Chelsea King said he supported a deal to take death off the table for his daughter’s killer in order to bring closure to the community.

“We stand here because of a despicable evil act committed against our beautiful daughter, Chelsea, committed against our family and committed against our community,” Brent King said in a news conference Friday.

 “While our unequivocal first choice is the death penalty, we acknowledge that in California that penalty has become an empty promise.”

San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis said the family’s blessing contributed to a plea deal with registered sex offender John Gardner III in Chelsea’s death and two other cases.

Gardner, 31, pleaded guilty Friday to the murder of King, the murder of Amber Dubois, and assault with intent to commit rape of a third person.

King, 17, was last seen alive leaving Poway High School in suburban San Diego on February 25.

Her car, with her cell phone inside, was found at Rancho Bernardo Community Park, where she was known to run on the trails.

Her disappearance sparked a massive search that ended a few days later with the discovery of her remains in the park. Dubois, 14, disappeared in February 2009 while walking to school in Escondido.

She was considered a missing person for more than a year, until her remains were found in March.

Prosecutors revealed in court Friday that Gardner led authorities to Dubois’ body in exchange for assurances that it would not be used against him in court.

In exchange for his guilty pleas, Gardner is to be sentenced to two consecutive terms of life without the possibility of parole.

He also waived his right to appeals, ensuring that he will die in prison, Dumanis said at the news conference.

Superior Court Judge David Danielsen accepted the plea and scheduled sentencing for June 1. A gag order is in place until then.

The surprise change of plea came during a hearing Friday, after prosecutors charged him with murder with a special circumstance of rape for Dubois’s death.

Gardner was facing the death penalty on one charge of murder with a special circumstance of rape for King’s death.

Dressed in dark blue jailhouse garb, his wrists chained, Gardner nervously responded “yes” several times to the judge’s questioning of whether he understood his rights and was entering his plea willingly.

He cast his gaze downward as the judge read brief descriptions of how he raped and murdered Dubois and King. Gardner made no statement.

According to court documents, on February 13, 2009, Gardner abducted Dubois and brought her to a remote area of Pala, where he raped and stabbed her, and buried her in a shallow grave.

Gardner admitted to attacking King while she was running and dragging her to a remote area, the documents said.

He raped and strangled her, and also buried her body in a shallow grave.

Gardner also admitted to attacking another female on December 27, 2009, while she was running.

In a news conference after Friday’s hearing, Dubois’ father, Moe, expressed gratitude over the case’s resolution.

“As you can imagine, this turn of events in the case came as a surprise to all of us when we were informed about the details yesterday,” he said.

 “As a parent I am thankful [for] the work put forth by the district attorney’s office and the defense team in coming forth with a resolution in the case and allowing us to have justice and closure for Amber’s case.”

Without the plea deal, Dumanis said her office did not have enough evidence to charge Gardner in the death of Dubois.

Her remains were not found until Gardner led authorities to her body, three days after he was charged in King’s death, Dumanis said.

“The only promise made to him in exchange for this information was that we could not use it against him in court. This was a somber decision,” the district attorney said in a press conference after Friday’s hearing, surrounded by tearful family members.

“To end the anguish of the unknown for the Dubois family and to bring Amber home, we agreed we would not use this information against Gardner in court.”

Further efforts to collect evidence linking Gardner to Dubois’ death were unsuccessful, Dumanis said, leaving her office otherwise unable to pursue charges against him — until he offered to plead guilty.

“Accepting this plea has been an extremely difficult decision. We have the evidence to pursue a murder charge against the defendant for Chelsea’s murder, but not for Amber’s murder,” she said.

“By accepting this guilty plea, we are obtaining a conviction for the murder of Amber that we otherwise would not have been able to obtain.”

The prosecutor also echoed the sentiments of King’s father on the death penalty in California, where 13 executions have been carried out since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated capital punishment in 1976.

“Most of us realize a death sentence at this time is a hollow promise in California. Even if death was imposed, Brent, Kelly and their family would have to endure a preliminary hearing, a trial, decades of appeals and the pain of reliving the murder over and over again,” she said.

“In addition, as parents they realized what Amber’s parents were facing. Her case would have no legal closure.”

A resolution for the Dubois family also figured into the King family’s decision to support the plea, Brent King said.

“We find ourselves in a position to help give another grieving family a measure of closure. The Dubois family has been through unthinkable hell the past 14 months.

We couldn’t imagine the confession to Amber’s murder never seeing the light of day, leaving an eternal question mark,” he said.

“There’s nothing, nothing satisfying about this moment. It’s only one more unbearably painful day that we’ll have to carry in our memory as long as we live.”


Source: CNN


Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com

National Day of Prayer

April 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Encouragement

prayBy Fox Nation
Apr. 16, 2010

A federal judge in Madison has ruled the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional.
U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb reached the conclusion in a lawsuit the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a Madison-based group of atheists and agnostics, brought against former President George W. Bush’s administration near the end of his second term.

The foundation argued the day violates the separation of church and state.
Congress established the day in 1952 and in 1988 set the first Thursday in May as the day for presidents to issue proclamations asking Americans to pray.
A message left at the U.S. Department of Justice, which represented the government in the case, wasn’t immediately returned.


Read The Full Article



Source: Fox Nation




Editor’s  Note: We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com


Florida Tea Party

April 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Human Interest

fla teapartyBy Tim McClellan 
Apr. 14, 2010

Be sure to join in to show our Government that we are not satisfied with the lack of fiscal responsibility, the stunting of growth of the job and small business markets and this week promises to be very exciting and busy.

Unfortunately, we have been under attack – which means we are having an effect!

Last night’s election was not a referendum on Obama care or the President. It was just one battle in many that we will fight.

Some we will win, some we will lose. However, history will not judge us by our loses, but how long we will fight to win.

Feeling down – watch our special tax day tea party video “When You Get Hit” – you might recognize some famous people.

Do you have friends in other cities/states?

Tell them to go to TeaPartyPartriots.org where there is a national list of over 750 tea parties and 1800 different tea party groups!

Exciting News, Hannah Giles, the college student who helped take down ACORN will be a speaker at West Palm Beach Tax Day Tea Party.

Please consider making a donation by clicking here for her legal fund. Her expenses are already over $600,000! Let’s help her keep up the fight.


Here are three things we need to warn you about:

1. We have received copies of several false rumors and emails.

Please disregard these people and emails. Anyone that attacks South Florida Tea Party is obviously working for the other side.

It was a little over a month ago Clinton bragged about going after the tea parties.


2. Our enemies plan to “infiltrate” and try to get tea party members information at Tea Parties

An example is from www.CrashtheTeaParty.org – “We’re going to attend their rally, but plan to have a bunch of truly ludicrous signs.

Things that say “Obama drinks Christian Baby Blood” or “Jesus wrote the constitution”.

The more misspelled words the better…You could also dress in overalls with no shirt, or a stained “wife beater” t-shirt, But you get the general idea.”


3. Do not give out any personal information (email, name, phone, address) unless they are connected to South Florida Tea Party.

This is very serious. Please note they may say they are from Fort Lauderdale Tea Party, Citizens in Action, Glen Beck, 912, Hallandale Tea Party, DC Works, simply say no thank you to their requests.

All legitimate organizations will hand you information that allows you to visit their website and contact them.

At each tea party, a tea party leader from South Florida Tea Party will instruct you how to get involved in the movement.


Important Note on Signs:

Please remember to bring signs regarding the tea party movement.

We started the tea party because of the bailouts, out of control spending and governments involvement in our lives.

Please avoid signs on illegal immigration, Second Amendment, abortion, gay rights, etc. Please be creative and have fun.


We have three tea parties in South Florida!


West Palm Beach Tea Party

Exciting News, Hannah Giles, the college student who helped take down ACORN will be a speaker at West Palm Beach!

Please consider making a donation by clicking here for her legal fund.

301 N. Olive West Palm Beach County Building West Palm Beach, FL Time: 5:30PM – 7:30PM West Palm Beach promises to be an exciting event hosted by Doug Giles, live singing and music by Lou Galterio and Billy Bones, grassroots speeches and thousands of patriots.

There will be guest appearances by Joyce Kaufman and others. The location will be at the PBC County Building downtown with a stage and area for vendors. There will be a seating location for seniors and handicap.

Vendors and volunteers should email info@SouthFloridaTeaParty.org. Please bring your “change” for “change”.


Fort Lauderdale Tea Party

299 Broward Federal Building Fort Lauderdale, FL

Time: 4:00PM -7:30PM

Fort Lauderdale will be a sidewalk protest in front of the Federal Building downtown.

There will be guest appearances by Joyce Kaufman and others. Please come early if because we are expecting over a large amount of people that will be lining the road.

Volunteers should email Tim@PoliticalStrategist.org.


Miami Tea Party

2200 Northwest 72nd Avenue Miami Main Post Office Miami, FL

Time: 5:00PM – 7:30PM

Miami Tea Party will be along the road in front of the main post office. Taxpayers will give you many honks when they drop off their tax forms. Volunteers please email info@southfloridateaparty.org


Tea Party Pledge

Our Founding Fathers pledge everything they had to keep our country free. We feel that we too must make a solemn pledge for freedom.

Karl Rove wrote an excellent article in the WSJ on “Where the Tea Partiers Should Go from Here”.


 Here is our pledge:

1. I pledge that I will educate myself on key issues related to government spending, constitutional limits on government, and free markets.

Examples to include health care, deficit spending, national debt, and government takeover of private industries.


2. I pledge that I will know what position is held by my candidates for the United States Senate and House and for local and state offices on these issues.


3. I pledge that I will be registered to vote and will vote for the candidate for each office who best represents my views on these issues.


4. I pledge that I will enlist at least 10 other people to take this same pledge and will assure that they are registered to vote and vote in both primaries and general elections in 2010.


5. I pledge that I will follow up with all 10 other people from time to time to encourage them to find 10 additional people to pledge. I further will personally insure that each signatory register and vote in November.


6. With this pledge, I will commit to attending a minimum of six Tea Party events, meetings, go to rallies, or sponsored events between now and November 2010.


7. I pledge to disseminate to my signatories relevant information to include articles, news clips, video clips, or other information to better educate them on the key issues as described in 1) above.


Source: South Florida Tea Party


Editor’s Note: *South Florida Tea Party is a 501(c) 4 which neither supports nor opposes candidates for public office and claims no responsibility for the actions of individuals or groups of individuals who use the South Florida Tea Party logo or name or who may claim to act as representatives of the South Florida Tea Party without prior written consent of the South Florida Tea Party.

We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com

Boys Dress like Girls

April 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Parent's Advice

girlesdressBy Fox Nation
Apr. 14, 2010

A school superintendent in New Jersey says a “misunderstanding” led an elementary school teacher to mandate that all students — including young boys — dress as women in a now-canceled fashion show to honor Women’s History Month.
Maple Shade Township School Superintendent Michael Liven good said the show, which had been scheduled for Friday at Maude Wilkins Elementary School, has been canceled.
“I wish the letter had been clearer and had been worded differently,” Livengood told FoxNews.com, referring to a letter sent home to the children’s parents last week informing them of the assignment.

“But it was a misunderstanding. It was meant to demonstrate students’ awareness in women’s roles, and along with that, their changes in fashion over time.”
In a 16-page packet sent home with students, teacher Tonya Uibel alerted parents that all students in her third grade class would have to participate in the activity, since it would be graded as an “end of unit” assignment.

The packet also included suggestions of how students may dress, including fashions from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s like bellbottoms, poodle skirts and cheerleader outfits. Photographs of fashion icons like Twiggy and Madonna are also included.
“If your child is a young man, he does not have to wear a dress or skirt, as there are many time periods where women wore jeans, pants and trousers. However, each child must be able to express what time period their outfit is from.

Most of all, your child should have fun creating their outfit and learning about how women’s clothing has changed!”
Livengood said students will now be asked to a draw a picture of a person dressed in clothing from a specific time period as the lesson plan’s culminating project.
He said the school’s principal, Beth Narcia, had not received “one single” complaint pertaining to the event from parents. But one parent told FoxNews.com she contacted Uibel directly after her 9-year-old son came home “in tears” after getting the assignment.
“My son was very upset,” said Janine Giandomenico. “He said, ‘Mommy, please don’t make me do this.'”

Fox Radio’s Todd Starnes’s Report

Read the Full Article



Source: Fox Nation 



Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com

America Wishes You Happy Birthday Thomas Jefferson

April 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Features

thomas-jeffersonBy Inspiration Report
Apr. 13, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mr. President!  

Thomas Jefferson, born April 13, 1743, was the third President of the United States. He is one of the key creators of the Declaration of Independence, and, you may also recognize him from that two dollar bill you keep in your wallet for good luck.

Jefferson was considered one of America’s first ‘renaissance men,’ brimming with wisdom and talents, according to some. We celebrate his birthday with these 18 Thomas Jefferson quotes.


“Determine never to be idle…It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.”
Thomas Jefferson


“Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it?” –Thomas Jefferson


“Enlighten the people, generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like spirits at the dawn of day.” –Thomas Jefferson


“Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.” -Thomas Jefferson


“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.”
Thomas Jefferson


“I cannot live without books.”Thomas Jefferson


“I do not take a single newspaper, nor read one a month, and I feel myself infinitely the happier for it.” – Thomas Jefferson 


“I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” – Thomas Jefferson


“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.”
– Thomas Jefferson


“It is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation which give happiness.”
-Thomas Jefferson


“Never spend your money before you have it.” – Thomas Jefferson


“Never trouble another for what you can do for yourself.” – Thomas Jefferson


“Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.” – Thomas Jefferson


“Say nothing of my religion. It is known to God and myself alone.” – Thomas Jefferson


“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.” – Thomas Jefferson


“The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object.” – Thomas Jefferson


“Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far.”
Thomas Jefferson


“No government ought to be without censors and where the press is free, no one ever will.”
Thomas Jefferson

“Health is worth more than learning.” – Thomas Jefferson


Thomas Jefferson from Quotations Page


Source: Inspiration Report



Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com

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