Cell Phones for Soldiers

April 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Encouragement

cell phonesBy Hank Richards
Apr. 29, 2010

Americans will replace more than 150 million cell phones this year, with the majority of phones either discarded or stuffed in a drawer. 

“Most people don’t realize that donating their unwanted phones can have a tremendous benefit for a worthy cause like Cell Phones for Soldiers” said Hank Richards, writer and business owner with the Examiner.

The Cell Phones for Soldiers program was started in April 2004 by 13 year-old Brittany Bergquist and her 12 year-old brother Robbie of Norwell, Massachusetts, with $21 of their own money.

Since then, the registered 501c3 non-profit organization has raised several million dollars in donations and distributed hundreds of thousands of prepaid calling cards to soldiers serving overseas. 

Their goal is to help soldiers serving overseas call home by providing as many soldiers as possible with prepaid calling cards.

Through generous donations and the recycling of used cell phones from drop-off sites across the country, Robbie and Brittany have already distributed thousands of calling cards to soldiers in Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

ReCellular, Inc. was selected as the exclusive recycler of Cell Phones for Soldiers. Phones donated through the program are sold to ReCellular and the money is used to purchase calling cards for troops in need.

The phones are sent to ReCellular which pays Cell Phones for Soldiersbritt_robbie enough to provide an hour of talk time per phone to soldiers abroad.

Hank Richards  has teamed up with ReCellular and other companies such as Best BuyAT&T and Lamar Sign Company  to promote Cell Phones for Soldiers.

“One of the founding principles of my company, Capital Earnings & Research, is to build a successful business that is both socially and environmentally responsible,” says Richards.

 “It is a great honor and privilege to offer support to such a worthy and inspiring effort as the Bergquists’ Cell Phones for Soldiers program and that of ReCellular, Inc.

Through increased fundraising efforts, the Bergquist family hopes to raise additional money in the next few years to fund new programs, such as providing video phones with prepaid service to allow soldiers abroad to see their families on a regular basis.

If you are interested in joining a direct benefit charity and partnering with Cell Phones for Soldiers, contact Monte Doran at (248) 644-0800, ext. 255 or by email at mdoran@clearblue.biz

If you want to make a donation by credit card, go to the Donate Money  page and follow the instructions provided.

The donation will go to the Cell Phones for Soldiers fund account at South Shores Savings Bank.

You may also send a check, money order, or prepaid calling card directly to:


South Shore Savings Bank

400 Washington Street

Norwell, MA  02061


Visit  http://www.cellphonesforsoldiers.com/  for more information, including a list of donation and collection sites across the country or contact ReCellular, Inc. by email at  cellphonesforsoldiers@recellular.com


Source: Examiner



Editor’s Note: Contact Hank Richards by email at  editor@pronlinenews.com or call him at (256) 417-6084. 

Richards is a prostate cancer survivor and a nationwide public speaker on the issue. If you would like to schedule him for your speaking venue, call the listed number above.

Robbie & Brittany Bergquist – File Photo

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