Children – Stay On Track

September 26, 2009 by  
Filed under Encouragement

By Children Gazettemiami childrens hospital
Sept. 24, 2009

For Children coping with a long-term illness that involves  an extended hospital stay, keeping up with schoolwork can be difficult.

Fortunately, the dedicated staff at Miami Children’s Hospital has teamed up wiyj the hospital’s Family Advisory Council to provide tutoring services for children in need.

Here to Help

Short-term tutoring serves are available for patients who require at least a two-day hospital stay. Local teachers and college students volunteer their time to offer mind stimulating activities, educational support and private lessons or group sessions to help kids stay caught up with their assignments.

For children who have chronic conditions, an in-hospitals schooling program is available. In this program, patients leave their schools and enroll in the hospital’s education  program, where teachers from Miami-Dade County schools provide the same lessons children would receive in a normal classroom setting.

To learn how you can volunterr as a tutor at Miami Children’s call (305) 662-8225.

Source: Miami Children Hospital

Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think.

  • Winsor Pilates

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