Holy Land in 3D

April 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Encouragement

holy landBy Dan Samaria
Apr. 4, 2010

 I received this from one of my readers; it shows the true meaning of Easter. You will understand, just follow the directions.

This is one of the things that computers are best at doing. You can move around and see this place from all angles. 

Just experiment and you will have a fascinating experience. This is amazing. It is your trip to the Holy Land. View the Church in 3D.

When you open up the site, go to the bottom of the picture and click on one of the smaller pictures. 

When it comes up, double click on the big screen picture and you will be able to really zoom in and do a 360 look all around. 

It is a beautiful presentation. 

Makes you feel like you are right there!

Click on the link below and click on picture and use curser to scroll up and around the pictures. You can see all the way around each room, plus from floor to ceiling! 

You may also click on the menu and watch the films advance automatically.   After each finishes, wait a few minutes for the next one to load.


The Holy Land Church in 3D


Source: 360 Tr.



Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think. dan@youngchronicle.com

  • Winsor Pilates

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