Sticky Situation – Listening to Mom

September 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Encouragement

JoeyBy Scholastic News
Sept. 25, 2009


Joey is walking home from school when he gets a text message from his friend Deirdre. She wants Joey to come to her house to see her new video-game system. Joey really wants to see Deirdre’s new game, but his parents told him to go straight home after school. What should Joey do?

Click on “Comments” to write a paragraph explaining what you think Joey should do.

Other Scholastic News readers will be posting their thoughts about this week’s ethical dilemma, too. So come back to the Sticky Situation blog to discuss their solutions!

Source: Scholastic News


Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think.

  • Winsor Pilates

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