America Is This What We Have Come To?

May 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Features

kids wearing flagBy Scotty Starness
May 6,  2010

The P.C. police strike again. Five Live Oak High School students were sent home due to wearing t-shirts that showed the American flag on them during…Cinco de Mayo.

Who did this upset? An assistance principle named Miguel Rodriguez.

The school administration is attempting to claim the boys wanted to ‘start a fight’ even though they were sitting around, eating their school lunch and talking among themselves.

The idiot, Miguel Rodriguez, claims he didn’t want any fights to break-out between Mexican-American students and the guys wearing the American flag t-shirts.

Why would Mexican-Americans be upset by the American flag being worn in America in an American high school?

Here’s the kicker. More than 100 students were witnessed wearing the Mexican colors of red, white and green on their shirts and some had the Mexican flag painted on their faces.

How many of these trouble-making students were sent home? ZERO!!!

I wonder if Miguel Rodriguez demanded that the school remove the American flag flying up on the flagpole that’s planted on American land.

I find it amazing that we have one group that was allowed to express their pride and first amendment rights and one group was demonized for the same thing. Land of the free, home of the politically correct.

Political correctness is what will be the downfall of America. We have to tip-toe around special interests groups due to the fear of being labeled racists or bigots. It’s time the majority spoke up and out against this blatant BS.

Martin Luther King wanted equal rights for everyone. Today, we have special rights for protected groups.

Allowing these special rights to special groups creates special problems. The school violated one group’s rights and protected the other group’s rights.

Political correctness strikes again.


Source: Scotty Starnes



Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think.

  • Winsor Pilates

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