Marine Corps Happy 234th Birthday!

November 11, 2009 by  
Filed under Features

U.S. Marine CorpsBy Stacey *Mamasid * D.
November 10, 2009

Semper Fi! Today is the Marine Corps Birthday 2009, a day we remember because my husband served as a proud Marine in Vietnam. Tomorrow is Veterans’ Day so it only seems appropriate to celebrate the USMC birthday today.

November 10 marks the 234th birthday of the Marine Corps. Thank you to the soldiers who served and the families who shared them. Also thank you to the soldiers currently serving and risking their lives everyday. For those who survived battle like my husband, welcome home.

Although my husband and some of his brothers were rendered disabled in the war, you can tell a Marine a mile away. The straight back, proud face and noble attitude is present in all of them to the end.

Ronald Reagan, at one of his few brighter moments, once said, “Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But the Marines don’t have that problem.”

Will you celebrate the Marine Corps birthday 2009 with your favorite soldiers? If you don’t have “one of your own”, please take quiet time to appreciate these brave people who serve us everyday. Happy Birthday USMC!

Please take a few minutes to watch the Commandant of the Marine Corps., General James T. Conway, deliver the 234th Marine Corps birthday message, “Carrying On A Legacy of Valor”.

Source: Gather

  • Winsor Pilates

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