There is No Room for Jesus Here

December 9, 2009 by  
Filed under Features

christmasBy Dan Samaria
Dec. 9, 2009

I never thought the day would come that we would have a non religious Christmas day?

I never thought the day would come that a U.S. President would ever try to have Christmas takening out of the White House.

Well that day has come.

This President and his family claim they are Christians. Yet they want to keep Jesus out of the Whitehouse and put him out in the cold like it was done many, many years ago.

Jesus has his place in this world. He belongs in the Whitehouse and in our hearts.  Where he has been for many Christmas and where it is warm.

I hope I am not wrong, but I don’t think Jesus was ever kicked out of the Whitehouse.

From our very first President George Washington who have celebrated Christmas with his family to President George W. Bush and his family.

I was once lucky enough to be in Washington during the Christmas season. I was able to visit the Whitehouse and take the Christmas tour.

I will never forget the scene of Jesus greeting you as you came in.  And seeing the beautiful lights, trees, the children smiling. And seeing snow on the ground it made you forget the problems that the world was having.

I am glad that Americans from Christians to non-Christians spoke up. And helped this President come to his senses that this Whitehouse does not belong to him and his family.

He is a temporary resident that it belongs to all Americans.

During these tough times we all need the meaning of Christmas in our lives. Which are Hope, Love and Compassion for our fellow human beings here and in the world?

The reason that I am bring this up is not only because it is Christmas. But this really was about to happen. The following article is about to explain it.

By Mickey McLean
Dec. 8, 2009

A White House Christmas tradition, no matter which party’s in office, has been to prominently display a nativity scene in the East Room.

But, as Eric Metaxas discovered while reading The New York Times Sunday Styles section, it almost didn’t happen this year.

Seems that Desiree Rogers, the White House social secretary who has been in the news lately because of a certain recent party crashing, stated at a luncheon with previous social secretaries that the White House would have a “non-religious” Christmas this year.

The article reported:

The lunch conversation inevitably turned to whether the White House would display its crèche, customarily placed in a prominent spot in the East Room.

Ms. Rogers, this participant said, replied that the Obamas did not intend to put the manger scene on display — a remark that drew an audible gasp from the tight-knit social secretary sisterhood.

(A White House official confirmed that there had been internal discussions about making Christmas more inclusive and whether to display the crèche.)

Yet in the end, tradition won out; the executive mansion is now decorated for the Christmas holiday, and the crèche is in its usual East Room spot.

Metaxas writes:

[T]he fact that it was going to happen reveals a level of political tone-deafness in the current administration that is staggering.

To most average Americans — who did not grow up in an Ivy-League, inside-the-Beltway hothouse governed by the rules of the French Revolution — the idea of keeping Jesus out of “the people’s house” at Christmas evokes disturbing images of the Holy Family being turned away from the Inn, or worse yet, images of Herod.

But to a super-secular White House afraid to offend anyone — except for average Americans — it probably just seemed like another fab “progressive” innovation.

If President Obama wanted to fuel the fears of every serious Christian in America and actually prove that he is every bad thing they’ve ever heard about him on every crazy Web site, the idea of symbolically taking Jesus out of the White House at Christmas would be just the ticket!

Source: World Mag

Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think.

  • Winsor Pilates

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