Jazz Up School Supplies

September 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Arts and Crafts

boy with bookbagBy Family Fun
Sep. 13, 2009

For Jennifer Jones and her 10-year-old daughter, Lauren, getting ready for school each year means spending a few late-summer afternoons getting crafty. The Montgomery, Illinois, pair start by picking a piece of back-to-school gear, then set to work embellishing it. Past projects include covering a white metal lunch box (purchased from orientaltrading.com) with stickers, and decorating a plain black messenger bag from an army surplus store with iron-ons and fabric paints. “It’s a special activity that we can do together.

We have fun hunting for that perfect item and coming up with ways to turn it into a keepsake,” says Jennifer, who makes sure she adds her own handiwork to the project. “Having such a personalized article makes it easier for my daughter to strike up conversations with potential new friends, since someone always asks to see her masterpiece. It helps her adjust during the first days of school every year.”




To help Logan, age 7, and Megan, 5, tackle the transition back to class, the Potts family of Toms River, New Jersey, gets accustomed to the fall schedule ahead of time. During the last weeks of vacation, they begin to shift into school mode, setting their alarms, then eating breakfast and dressing by the time the bus will arrive. They set the stage for handling homework too, establishing an afternoon study time for reading, crafting, or conducting fun experiments. Says mom Sandra: “By the time the academic year kicks off, Logan and Megan are already in the swing of things at home.”

Brooke Rodgers and her son Logan fend off jitters by sending a “get to know me” letter to Logan’s new teacher on the first day of class. The letter lists a few fun facts about the Manchester, Pennsylvania, first grader, such as his favorite foods, colors, sports, and animals. But the really interesting part? Brooke also includes a similar survey for the teacher to fill out and return. “Knowing that his teacher is a real person with likes and dislikes just like him really helps Logan get through those first few days.”

Source: Family Fun


Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think? dan@youngchronicle.com

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