Picture of the Day – Pledge Allegiance to the Earth

August 28, 2009 by  
Filed under Photo of the Day

picture of the day  I Pledge Allegiance to Earth


By Shelly
August 28, 2009
US Constitution Watchdog


Do you want this poster on the walls in your child’s classroom? A listener sent in the following…

“My Husband and I are avid fans of the Glenn Beck show. Glenn said to send in anything strange we are seeing…so here is my strange sighting. This poster is in the very front of my son’s 2nd grade classroom…along with the latest book about Obama’s new dog….”

Thanks to Shelley for sending this in.



Source: Glenn Beck

Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think? dan@youngchronicle.com

  • Winsor Pilates

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