Everyday Life with Diabetes

August 7, 2009 by  
Filed under One Person's View

helpingkidBy ADA/PIO
August 7, 2009

After the initial shock of a diabetes diagnosis wears off, your family will start thinking about adjusting to a new normal – a life with diabetes.

Learning how to manage blood glucose can be difficult at first. It’ll take some time to get used to shots and finger pricks. Day-to-day activities like, going to school, exercising, going out to eat and getting behind the wheel will require a little more planning. But soon enough, managing BG will become second nature.

Diabetes should not keep your child from doing anything she wants or achieving her highest goals. There are Olympic athletes, professional football players, congressmen, actors, actresses, rock stars, moms and dads who live with diabetes.

Anything can be done with a little extra preparaeveryday-wisdomtion and planning!

This section will help you prepare for all the new “firsts” your family will experience with diabetes.

Everyday Wisdom is a kit to help your whole family live with diabetes. Oreder your free Everyday Wisdom tm  Kit! Click here.

Source: American Diabetes Association

Editor’s Note: We will each week bring you tips to help you. We would like to know what you think? dan@youngchronicle.com

  • Winsor Pilates

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