Glenn’s Easter Essay

April 4, 2010 by  
Filed under One Person's View

glennradioBy Glenn Beck
April 4, 2010

Editor’s Note: Glenn tells the story of the crucifixion in a tad more unconventional way than most – set to the music of Pink Floyd.

We wouldke to know wht you think.


This telling of the death of Jesus was recorded by Glenn several years back and as Glenn says, always generates letters and emails asking him why he focused on the death.  

“Because everybody concentrates on Easter, and I know that without Easter, His death was meaningless. I concentrate on Easter every day. Every day, every day that I draw a breath, I know it is because I found my way out of the darkness.

Every day that I go home to my children and I see them, it’s because of Easter. Everything I have, everything I am is because I don’t celebrate Easter on just Easter. I’m grateful for Easter every day” – Glenn Beck


Here is his essay in his own words:


FREE AUDIO: Glenn’s Easter Essay


Source: Glenn Beck

  • Winsor Pilates

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