Sign Language

February 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Parent's Advice

signby Lexi Walters
Feb. 8, 2010

Why teach children sign language? It helps babies learn to communicate before they can talk, and teaches kids to appreciate a language used by some of the deaf community. Start with these easy signs for words about food and eating.





1. Hold your hand up to your mouth as if you were drinking from a glass.

2. Tilt head back, as if taking a sip.

carolinaemay says:

what happens when babies get so used to signs that they don’t want to talk?





1. Squeeze the tips of your fingers together to form a point, and place that hand in front of pursed lips.

2. Bring your hand away from your mouth, then back to it.






1. Place your hands, palms touching, in front of you.

2. With heels of palms touching, rotate your hands back and forth.






1. Put one hand in front of you, palm facing up.

2. Cup your other hand and place your fingertips on top of the other palm.

3. Rotate your hand back and forth.






1. Cup one hand, palm facing up, in front of you.

2. Using the pointer and middle fingers of your other hand, pretend to scoop out of your cupped hand.






1. Make your hand into a fist, keeping the knuckle of your pointer finger extended a little farther than the other fingers.

2. Place that hand on your cheek near your mouth and rotate that hand back and forth.




Source: Parents



Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think.  Photos by Dean Schoeppner

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