Officer of the Week – Police Officer Robert Fazio

October 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Officer of the Week


Remember September 11, 2001
Angels Among Us


Police Officer Robert Fazio
Shield 6667
13 Precinct

by Dan Samaria
October 14, 2009

Editor’s Note: We at the Chronicle, will never forget those police officers, who have given their lives in 9/11. Each week we will honor one with their stories.
We would like to know what you think.

This week we feature:

Police Officer Robert FazioPolice Officer Robert Fazio
Shield 6667
13 Precinct


At 41, Robert Fazio Jr. was still single. People would ask him when he was going to marry. But the pressure of society’s conventions, said his sister, Carole Lovero, could not affect his decisions.

“He was a happy person, he was happy within himself,” she said. “He would have gotten married if he had found the right person, but he was happy doing what he was doing.”

What he was doing, outside of his job as a patrolman for the New York Police Department, was working on motorcycles, cars, boats and houses for anybody who needed a hand. “Half my neighbors, he fixed their cars,” said Officer Fazio’s father, Robert Sr. Shortly after he got his driver’s license, Robert Fazio Jr. could be seen on the weekend in front of the family’s house in South Hempstead, on Long Island, hoisting engines in and out of cars with the help of a sturdy tree limb.

He had worked for the Police Department for 17 years and was called from his precinct in the East 20’s on Sept. 11 to help people out of the shopping plaza beneath the World Trade Center. He had less than three years to go until retirement, his father said, and planned on setting up a motorcycle and car repair shop somewhere near his home in Freeport, N.Y., with a friend from junior high school, Gino Lanza. But though he had no children of his own, he spent as much time as he could baby-sitting for his nephew, Michael Lovero, and friends’ children, who nicknamed him the Tickle Monster

– The New York Times 3/24/2002

Source: NYP Angels

  • Winsor Pilates

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