Wish of the week – Jonathan

November 6, 2009 by  
Filed under Wish of the week

November 6, 2009wom-noteworthywish-lg.wishes.large

Sixteen-year-old Jonathan’s biggest passion in life is music. He is a budding musician who plays in a Christian hip hop band. He also writes his own music but used to have to rent space when he wants to record anything. Jonathan’s ultimate wish was to have a home recording studio with everything necessary to create songs whenever he is inspired. Anxious to fulfill his lifelong dream, he hardly slept on the eve of his musical shopping spree.

The Guitar Center in West Palm Beach was a musician’s playground for Jonathan who was in his element, playing different instruments and jamming with others in the store. With a little help from a personal shopper, he scoured the aisles like an expert, knowing exactly what equipment he needed to produce music on his own. From a notebook computer with a CD recorder and a 12-channel mixer to ProTools recording software, microphones and isolation headphones, he got it all. He also stocked up on guitar hook-ups, a computer desk, all the necessary cables and some acoustic foam to help soundproof his bedroom walls. An ecstatic Jonathan thanked everyone in the store and kept exclaiming “Wow!” During the limousine ride home, he said, “Everything I want to do with my life revolves around music and this studio would have taken years for me to put together. Getting it all in one day was a dream come true.”

Referred by: Miami Children’s Hospital
Adopted by: Brickell Motors
Wish Granters: Kathy Young & Erin Mulcahy

Source: Make A Wish Foundation



Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think? dan@youngchronicle.com

  • Winsor Pilates

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