Wish of the week – Eric

October 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Wish of the week

October 16, 2009wom-giddyup-eric.wishes.large

Six-year-old Eric is battling the hardships of diabetes and an immune deficiency. His family describes him as bubbly, social and resilient. He loves everything about horses and especially loves bull riding – he even hopes to one day become a bull rider. When volunteers from the Make-A-Wish Foundation visited Eric to determine what his wish would be, they were not surprised when Eric continuously brought the conversation back to riding bulls and riding horses. Before they knew it, Eric decided that visiting Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona would be his ultimate adventure. His family researched everything about the region before they left on their trip so they wouldn’t miss a thing.

Eric and his family spent five action-packed days exploring what the Grand Canyon has to offer. They stayed inside the park so they could experience it all! Eric’s schedule was robust – he took a helicopter tour (during which Eric was described as “awestruck”), visited a lighthouse, Navajo reservation, 800-year-old ruins, a volcano. As a bonus, he saw 5 inches of snow! One evening, prior to participating in an authentic hayride, they built a campfire, roasted hot dogs, and made s’mores. The sunsets were described as “incredible.”

The biggest highlight of his trip was when Eric went horseback riding by himself for the first time. He was so brave and proud to be riding without assistance!

His mother said, “We saw everything imaginable from gorgeous terrain, moose, cactus, desert, mountains, the Canyon and the Colorado River. He was feeling wonderful and enjoyed every second. It was a wish come true for Eric.”

Referred by: Visiting Nurse Association of Florida
Adopted by: Glantz and Glantz
Wish Granters: Melissa and Nicole Cunzo

Source Make A Wish Foundation

Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think? dan@youngchronicle.com

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