National Day of Prayer

May 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Encouragement

washingtonparayingBy Larry Miller
May 6, 2010

Despite the ruling of Judge Crabb, the National Day of Prayer will take place as planned.

Despite the judge’s fear that religion, and possibly even morality, would intrude into the secular bastion of government at all levels, most of American’s see no problem with this recognition.

On the other hand, perhaps it is a blessing to many politicians who don’t have to endure the hypocrisy of attending an event recognizing a power higher than them.

The point is that “We the People” declared our independence.

“We the People” formed the more perfect union.

It is “We the People” who drive the economy and “We the People” who pay the taxes and fight the wars.

So it is only appropriate that “We the People” take the lead once again. We do not need consent, yet, to gather and pray.

The National Day of Prayer is about our relationship with our creator, not about compliance with judicial edict.

Even should they decide to outlaw the recognition rather than just remove governmental support, we must say, with Peter, “We must obey God rather than men!” (Acts 5:9)

Coming before the Lord has long been a tradition of American leaders from the time of George Washington and Ben Franklin. Presidents, generals, congressmen, senators… even some judges have recognized, not only of the value of religion, but of encouraging its practice.

It has taken many years to evolve from honoring the worship of God to denouncing it.

With everything going on in our country there certainly is a lot to take to the foot of the cross.

The obvious things are threat to the livelihood of so many who live along the gulf coast, the strife along our southern border, the massive unemployment we are seeing, the growing intrusion into our lives by governments at all levels, and our military men and women around the world… the middle east in particular.

However, most of all, we could be seeking leaders with an honest fear of God and a desire to follow His way.

Yes, there is so much we have to take before Him. No, you don’t have to gather for corporate prayer.

Yet it is by standing together and seeking divine guidance, that we know we are not alone, and we are putting those arrayed against us on notice that their time is short.

Whether in this lifetime, or the next, we shall be victorious and they will be finished. On that note, we also need to pray for changes in their hearts as well.

If you can, get together with other and pray for our land and ourselves that we will be able to set the example and show the rest of our country the way out of the mess we are in.


Source: Political Christian




Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think.

  • Winsor Pilates

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