How can I talk to my mom about guy stuff?

September 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Kids Talk

kids talk


By Mary L. Gavin, MD
Sept. 27, 2009

When you’re going through all the changes of puberty, you should have someone you can go to when you have a question or concern. That person could be your mom. (Moms know about guy stuff, too!) You could also turn to a male relative, like a grandfather, uncle, or older cousin. When you visit your doctor, you can ask him or her questions. They’re experts in how kids’ bodies grow and change.

One easy place to start is with a web site for kids (like this one!) or a good book about growing up. Your mom could help you find one or you could search the health section in your local library. Sometimes knowing a few facts can help you feel more comfortable when talking to your mom about growing up.

Source: Kids Health

Editor’s Note: We would like to know what you think.

  • Winsor Pilates

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